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Bro Separator

When you put a sleeping bag in the middle of the bed when two bros are forced to sleep together.

Bro 1: "Man, 2 beds and 3 bros."
Bro 2: "Dibbs on sleeping alone!"
Bro 3: "Alright, I'll get the bro separator."

by Drewdle25 December 23, 2011

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

separation anxiety

When Chelsea and Tamika can not be a part from one another for any longer than 5 seconds. They feel uncomfortable when each other are not around. All they want to do is be around each other all the time.

This is also called being in love.

Tamika; I can't function when Chelsea is not here. I just want her here to cuddle her and hug her.

Chelsea; I miss Tamika so much, I have so much separation anxiety when she isn't around.

by Anobserver December 8, 2013

31πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Separation Anxiety

when two ppl, or animals, get anxiety when separated from their significant others or treasured items

boy: Man, brody and reagan sure have separation anxiety
other boy: no shit. they can’t go 10 minutes without touching

by big bootyconsumer69 November 28, 2019

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separation block

A shitty T-shaped wooden block used to separate canoodlers so that there is enough room for Jesus. The block is usually one Joel arm length and can pry, stab and injure canoodlers. It is also commonly used as a "shooing stick." When using the separation block, the most common phrases consist of "Leave room for Jesus!" and "No purpleing at camp!"

Joel: No purpleing at camp, or I'll have to use my separation block on you!

by Zesty Taco August 17, 2017

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separation anxiety

This is where children and babies become scared and anxious over their parents or carers leaving them in a childcare setting. The children will most likely cry and need comforting, so that they will become more independent and not become so anxious when their parents leave.

parent 1: How was my child today?
Key Worker: Your child continuously cried and didn't want to eat or play. I believe he may be suffering from separation anxiety

by ObserversAreWatching February 13, 2017

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Viral Separation

When someone would dump their boyfriend or girlfriend, or even their fiancΓ© or fiancΓ©e, after they were tested positive for the coronavirus, because they reasoned that any offspring from them might not grow into a healthy person, whose DNA would have been compromised by infected cells, or who might be carriers of yet-to-be-detected corona diseases for future generations.

Guesstimate how many couples worldwide quietly or unexplainably parted ways due to viral separation since the beginning of the pandemic.

by MathPlus March 20, 2022

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separated ladies

When her pants are so tight you can read her lips!

Man, did you see Shannon's Separated Ladies at the Safeway last night?

by manicotti69 February 2, 2007

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