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spam for spam

sending large amounts of comments on Myspace then expecting to receive large amounts back.

Yo Yo Yo
spam for spam?

by Ritin July 17, 2007

123๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


The AIDS equivalent for the internet. No known cures.

Spam is pretty useless.

by Keynon May 4, 2005

2515๐Ÿ‘ 698๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Verb) The act if obnoxiously doing something repeatedly for attention or in order to disturb others.

Please quit spamming the forums with offsite links.

by AnonymouslyManlyMan August 28, 2011

364๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. n. Bulk mail from a stranger
v. sending unsolicited commercial email to people you don't know

2. n. a canned precooked "meat product" from Hormel Foods. "Classic Spam" consists of "pork shoulder meat with ham meat added," salt, water, sugar and sodium nitrite. The product has become part of many jokes and urban legends about mystery meat, which has made it part of pop culture and folklore.

Use of the term "spam" for unwanted email was adopted as a result of the Monty Python skit in which a group of Vikings sang a chorus of "spam, spam, spam . . . " in an increasing crescendo, drowning out other conversation. Hence, the analogy applied because such bulk mail can drown out normal discourse on the Internet.

"We hate spam, and we'll never spam you." (bottom of Urban Dictionary page)

by Applied Research February 14, 2009

97๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Unsolicted emails, most of which offer penis extensions under wordings to avoid filters, such as "exp and y00r man - rod" or "giv e her good lu ving with huu uuge man - st i ck"

According to all my spam emails, each extending my penis up to 4" , I could potentially have a penis approximately 4 miles long.

by Digital_Messiah July 4, 2004

3061๐Ÿ‘ 908๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Canned meat. Extremely cheap (considering)
2. Unsolicited mail/e-mail sent out in mass quantities. Usually not even addressed by name to the person who receives it.
3. In gaming, refers to a player who throws grenades indiscriminately, many at a time. Generally an issue in Team Fortress. Although lately has been expanded to include any overused gun/combo/move/tactic/etc.

"Grilled Spam is great."
"I get over thrity spam mails a week in my hotmail account."
"Way to spam the room buddy. You throw enough nades that time?"

by TheFeniX March 21, 2003

1361๐Ÿ‘ 443๐Ÿ‘Ž


spam stands for

"I spamed the perverts the other day, and now they're really pissed off!"

by Santa November 13, 2002

2331๐Ÿ‘ 777๐Ÿ‘Ž