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The most beautiful, caring, sweetest, strong, and patient girl in the world. But she’s also freaky and loves to take risks if you get to know her. She’s loyal and loves to spend time with you. She will make time with you and throw all other plans away with other people for you. She’ll do anything to make you happy and so you should treat her the same way. She’s also strong and independent and will take matters into her own hands if it comes down to it. She’s protective and deeply cares about the people and things she is closest to. She’s smart and intelligent and can tell you when you are in the wrong or in the right. She will listen to you and help you out whenever you need it. She is perfect.

Damn man your girl Sarah is so beautiful and sweet. I wish I had a Sarah.

by SCECmaster October 1, 2018

14👍 3👎


Sarah the most beautiful and unique girl you will ever lay eyes on. Always be alert when you come in contact with a sarah they are very dangerous and abusive but do it out of love. Dont ever lie to a sarah this may cause death or serious injury. Sarah is a very tall and an outgoing person and loves to make people happy. Sarah is very cocky and thinks she can beat you in everything, but she cant. If you ever date a sarah treat her with respect and she will make your life amazing and change you for the rest of your life. Very compatible with jakes she is almost attracted like a magnet to them. Sarah is the funniest person you will ever talk to and she will keep you talking countless hours about the most random things. If a sarah does not like you, you will know it. Long story short sarah is the shit and if you dont have her in your life find one quick you wont be complete without her.

Sarah is the cats meow", "Ya i want her in my life right Meow

by big bird33 November 23, 2010

233👍 66👎


A sexy, intelligent, usually big-boobed, bubbly female that is always the life of the party! She is extremely smart, inquisitive, loving, kind, pure, and honest to the core. Sarah's are generally full of joy and always smiling. They always bare the gift of encouragement. Sarah's are great listeners and are extremely passionate about life and love deeply. Also very open-minded and non-judgemental. Sarah is a giver, very compassionate, generous and almost always has bright eyes and beautiful smiles. Unfortunately , most Sarah's are known to be procrastinators, but somehow work better under pressure...

Sarah in Hebrew is translated: princess

by SarahC23 March 1, 2010

412👍 124👎


Sarah is the most beautifulest girl i've ever met and i would die for her, fight for her, or just plain be with her. If you asked me on a scale from 1 to 10 on how beautiful she is i would say 11. If you have a Sarah never let her go because, you will regret it.

Sarah is the most gorigous girl ive ever seen.

by Jacob Baller December 11, 2017

47👍 11👎


The Final Boss that you fight after getting past all the basic bitches
The Mega Bitch

I know right she's such a fucking Sarah

by PavelBeschieru September 15, 2017

73👍 21👎


The sexiest girl in the world. Basically an amazing girl who is loved by everyone, even if she doesn't know it. She's always upbeat and perky, which makes the boys flock to her! And she's a general flirt, even when she thinks she's not flirting because of her upbeat and giggly personality. She has a great body and nice boobs. A Sarah can be whatever she wants, an athlete, an actress, a singer, a designer, a dancer, her choices are limitless. Everyone wants to be here or be with her, and anyone who doesn't like her is just jealous because all of the boys love her so much.

Boy: Wow, who is that girl?
Girl: I bet she's a Sarah, look how many friends she has.
Boy: I wanna go talk to her, she's really cute!
Girl: Well then you'd better do it soon, cause she's got a circle of boys around her at all times.
Boy: She's worth it.

by sarahgv123 August 27, 2010

145👍 42👎


Hebrew meaning: Princess
Sarah's a truly genuine person. Loving, sweet, one of the greatest friends anyone could have. She's different from many girls of her generation. Big on trust/honesty/loyalty, she's the ideal girlfriend any guy would be more than lucky to have. Part tough tomboy, part “girly“. She’s also super smarticalz, like honor roll status & very talented, whether athletically, artistically or musically. Because she is typically so beautiful, many girls grow quite jealous and catty toward her, but being the mature classy lady she is they don't slow her for even a second. She can be shy at times, especially around new people. But once you've gotten to know her, you realize there's more to her than meets the eye. Speaking of eyes, hers will take your breath away, positively glowing in the sunshine! Her smile lights up the world. Don’t forget her body; tall and skinny, long legs, beautiful long hair..she can roll outta bed and look like a model, no make up necessary! And yet she’s still ever so humble! Cute, fun and quirky by nature; especially loves to create her own kooky words (like squidmonkeys). She's a great listener when you need one and so funny when you need a good laugh. Unfortunately she attracts some creeper-ish guys because of her kind nature. Sarah's the type of girl that could befriend anyone, especially animals. Strong, independent, enchanting, a real beauty. Sarah truly lives up to the meaning of her name. °o°

Person 1: Whos' that girl over there?

Person 2: Oh that's Sarah.

Person 1: Wow...she's cute.

Person 2: Yeah but all we know is that she likes Disney. Not much else. Nobody's really gotten to know her.

Person 1: Until now. Wish me luck.

by TheDisneyGeekette °o° November 7, 2012

42👍 11👎