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saxophone lessons

The family friendly way of implying "sexual intercourse."

Woah there my guy, you can't go on saying stuff like saxophone lessons, that's not very appropriate of you.

by theromanticpiano October 25, 2020

Baritone Saxophone

1.) The greatest instrument ever created.
2.) What Jesus would play if he were in band
3.) The sexiest instrument ever.
4.) Fuckin Epic.

"You play the Baritone Saxophone OMG LET ME BOW DOWN TO YOU."

by Rachel Fuckin Brown =] November 5, 2008

136๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saxophone Player

The most badass motha fuckers you'll ever meet. In the band, everybody knows that saxophones are the coolest people. They usually like smoking weed and getting high. See music like nobody else does and are passionate as hell.

Saxophone players are the right amount of confident, not too much like the cock sucking trumpet players and not as little as the french horn players because nobody has even heard them speak.
Saxophone players are intelligent, good looking, funny, and epic. During football games, no other sections ever have as much fun as the saxophone players. In life, they end up being successful and turning into rich folks.

Usually end up being drum majors their senior year and are the best section leaders.
You will more than likely see the saxophone players hanging out with drummers.

When a saxophone player first picks us his/her instrument they know it's the love of his/her life. When then finally have a girlfriend/boyfriend they know how to turn them on.

In Texas, the saxes are unbelievable.

The true makers of Jazz...

Dan: "Yea dude, I heard about the saxophone players in the band. What's the deal?"
Richard: "Does it matter? Anything they do, they will be better than you."
Dan: "Yea you're right.... "

by SaxItUp June 2, 2011

249๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tenor Saxophone

1. An instrument that is superior in all ways to any other saxophones,
especially the alto. The ultimate sex machine, designed initially to woo ladies
and cause spontaneous pants removal, but later used in jazz music. The weapon
of choice for godly figures, like Thor and Mars.

2. An instrument that requires a hefty amount of hallucinogenic drugs to
generate the optimal improvisational solo.

3. A tool of great justice.

1. "Damn, Michael Brecker can do whatever the hell he wants to with a tenor

"Yeah, I bet he can feed hungry orphans with that thing."

2. "Dude, Coltrane must have been smoking something good when he played Giant
Steps, because these changes are fucking redonkulous."

3. " And then I foiled his evil plan with my Tenor Saxophone."

by A Very Saxy Man January 22, 2009

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Contrabass Saxophone

Likely one of the lowest members of the Saxophone family. Stands at around 6 1/2 feet tall and weighs around 45-50 pounds. Less than 30 are believed to exist worldwide.

Has a wide range and a broad, mellow tone. Lower notes can be low enough to sound alike to human ears. Generally not specifically needed but a nice addition to most symphonies, if they can find one...

Should you go looking for this elusive beast, a good place to start would be the Eppelsheim company based out of Munich. Retail price is will set you back about $25,000-$30,000.
Good Luck.

Guy 1: What is that you're playing?

Guy 2: It's a Contrabass Saxophone.

Guy 1: Whoah...

Guy 2: Yup. I had to mortgage my house and use my kid's college money to afford it, but it was soooo worth it.

by jump5 March 7, 2011

Saxophone player

A person who plays the saxophone. That's it. Jacob.

Woah look at those saxophone players playing the saxophone! Insane!

by Guy who looks like a crouton January 27, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saxophone Growl

By humming while blowing air into a Saxophone. Creating a raspy rock tone to your playing. Growl takes many years to perfect. But while playing the deeper your humming, while being off-key your Growl will sound even better!

On my solo last night at the Jazz Concert. I Growled so well to the best of the song!

My Saxophone Growl get's better every time I try it!

by Jazzy Chase June 3, 2010