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Scratchy Logo

This term describes the logos of what are mostly Deathcore, Metalcore, Hardcore, or any other kind of -core bands that are "scratchy", meaning they have lots of extraneous lines that usually represent veins or blood tracks. This usually can make them illegible.

A: Yeah, I like this band Annotations of an Autopsy, but I don't want to buy their scratchy logo shirt.

B: Why not?

A: Cause I know if I get one people will just squint at my shirt until I tell them what it is. And I won't tell them what it is. Waste of time.

by CheesyVaginas January 24, 2010

Itchies and scratchies

Generic term for sexually transmitted diseases.

That dude has slept with so many women, I'm sure he's got the itchies and scratchies. he's a walking STD.

by Jetters August 29, 2007

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Sportsman's Scratchy

When a bet is made for a lotto scratchy, with the loser of the bet to buy the scratchy, and the winnings shared.

Two friends make a bet on the result of the footy, and wager a sportsman's scratchy. The friend who looses the bet buys a scratchy, with the winnings shared equally between the two friends.

by Mongy47 August 27, 2021

scratchy label

A tag on the back of a shirt. Exactly what Hanes got rid of, as the package of tagless shirts says "No more scratchy label". Tags were obviously called that because they chafe.

I tore the scratchy label off of of my tanktop, and wound up tearing a huge hole in it.

by Hand Hanzo February 23, 2005

Scratchie Bachelor

A single man who becomes a more eligable bachelor from winning big on a scratchie ticket. Ultimately giving him the title of the scratchie bachelor.

Also a great idea for the next series of the bachelor: The Scratchie Bachelor In Paradise.

"Paul won it big on a scratchie. He's a scratchie bachelor"

"How much did he really scratch? I need to know before we take this further"

by Shades On A Shadow November 10, 2018

ichy scratchy

When your pissed off girlfriend / wife takes your freshly folded undies and rubs them in fiber glass insulation, folds them and puts them back for you to wear.

I gave my boyfriend the good 'ol ichy scratchy lastnight.

by April Arsenic January 27, 2009

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Scratchy Trombone

A rusty trombone whereby the giver has dental braces.

So Jill gave you the ol' scratchy trombone eh?

by Skeezer1991 October 19, 2009

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