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Playing with the seams

To discretely fondle ones netherbits in public.

Look Cybele is totally playing with the seams in the grocery store.

by Cybele_kiss April 13, 2014

dutch seam

During intercourse the female partner shits on the male penis, the male then uses his flaccid penis to smear the poop into the females buttcrack, to a smooth beaded seam.

Mike: Dude I laid the cleanest dutch seam in this Persian "hooker" last night, shoulda been there!

by LayingSeams March 16, 2019

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steam seam

1) The seam on any disposable paper coffee cup where boiling hot coffee will splash out of, scalding you and those nearby.

2) A product showcasing the putrified level to which the world has become environmentally friendly and has deemed styrofoam, the ubiquotous disposable coffee container of choice for eons, unfit for daily consumer consumption.

3) unbeknownst to the world, also a clandestine cruel joke of some sot-nosed college-grad at a paper product design firm who felt that this was his one chance to make a stand and pay the world back for the time when Penny Picollo publicly laughed and ridiculed him at elementary school recess when he uttered these words -that til' the day he dies, will ring through his ears every waking moment- "will you touch my cooter."

When I handed her the double-decaf soy latte, I didn't position the crack hole away from the steam seam and when she drank it, she got scalding coffee all over her cooter ! I laughed 'cause I hated that cum dumpster...

by grindingbassline December 3, 2004

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Bursting at the seams

When a girl with a large ass wears clothing that is a bit too tight, resulting in the seams beginning to separate due to the pressure from the sizeable booty underneath.

"Damn bro, did you see Ella's ass tonight?"

"Yeah man, those skinny jeans are bursting at the seams!"

by BigDicktionary420 March 20, 2021

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Seam Sucker

The crotch seam is no longer visable literally sucked between a females vaginal lips

WOW that bitch doesnt have camel toe. She has a major seam sucker going on!!!!!

by DICK,DICKll,LADYDICK December 8, 2009

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seam of life

the space between one's genitalia and the anal opening

If you cut their seam of life, all of their internal organs will be expelled from said bodies.

by Sandy VaJina August 15, 2005

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Seam Squirrel


That bitch has a seam squirrel infestation!!!! Aka Crotch Critters

by mr2real August 22, 2009

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