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the ULTIMATE achievement of xbox 360 that consumes the mind, body, and soul and makes the user go completely insane while trying to obtain the beast.

Dude hes got seriously!
Wow he must be good!

Dude hes got seriously!
Wow he must have no life!

Dude hes got seriously!
Wow he should totally get laid!

by the master of time and space April 11, 2008

38πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

No, seriously

When someone doesn't believe how serious you are.

Hym "No, seriously. You have to at least acknowledge (internally at least) that the the situation is extreme. From Gangstalking, to almost jail, to retard sex cult, to publicly robbed by a millionaireΒ², to gaslit by a psychologist. It never ends. It never ends! I'm going to got hunting and the deer is going to hunt me! The next time I go to eat my food is going to eat me. And to have you all sit there and wonder why anyone would behave immorally. 'No. You should have to do all that AND behave morally' as you snicker to yourself before you revel in the irony of the situation and your contempt of me. Revel in my sweet, silent suffering in your hellraiser suffering cult because that's what feeds your reality monster. Suffering is sacrosanct, after all. And now I hang. My grip loosening on the edge of the bottom rung. The people above me, on the edge? Staring down blankly and pissing."

by Hym Iam August 25, 2022

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1- to mean something with intent

2- Homestarrunners' SAying, also on bumber sticker, i really reccomend you check out the Strongbad Sings though (now has a great discount price!)

1- ''put it back, stoopid kris!''

2- Seriously, guys.

by BObo D. HObo July 30, 2004

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A verb -

To seriousize

Present tense:

I am seriousizing
You are seriousizing
He/She/It is seriousizing
We are seriousizing
You are seriousizing
They are seriousizing

Past Tense:

I serious'd
You serious'd
He/She/It serious'd
We serious'd
You serious'd
They serious'd

It is what you do when you need to look serious. You serious.

"Jim was laughing, but then he serious'd because his mum came in."

"Could you guys seriousize a bit?"

"Yo dawg, us street-ghettoistics be seriousizing!"

"To seriousize. Or not to seriousize. That is the question."

by Yonasu June 28, 2008

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


replaces random as most annoying word in the world. it does not mean you're serious, and does not effectively emphasize what you just said. instead, secures you a position at the bottom of the social ladder.

A: the teacher doesn't know what she's doing.
B: i know. i really hate math. seriously.
A: ok bye.

by wrbivrty August 26, 2008

21πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


a way of being serious. not joking. not lying. being fucking serious. like seriously...

carolina: can i come over to your house later for gossip girl tonight? and THEN we can finish our science project...

ixell: dude are you sure? won't that be tiring?

carolina: no douchebaguette. it'll be cool. i'm serious.

ixell: you sure?

carolina: yeah bitch, i'm talking seriousity!

by cee_ess_ness May 19, 2009

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A drunken question asking anything that could be asked all at once.

Are you for-seriousing me?

by Keynon May 15, 2005

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž