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When something is so totally unbelievable and you think it can not be true.

During the solar eclipse when we reached totality, the skys went dark and the street lights went on, it was so sharknado...

by zZwordZz September 1, 2018


4 banger Hyundai Tiburon fitted with a Subaru 'forced' air-induction tornado at the cold-war intake filter.

My mechanic said sharknado only happen once every decade in the desert.

by Redneckwrenchreck17 November 11, 2020


Sharknado is a 2013 made-for-television disaster film about a tornado that lifts sharks out of the ocean and deposits them in Los Angeles.

So a thing happened to me yesterday on the BART as I was coming home from work. (And no, it wasn't a Sharknado...mores the pity.)

by avaron676 July 18, 2013

Sharknado bomb

This is when you fart so aggressively that the fart ends up ripping your pants clean, burning you and others eyes around you and are left with a sore ass for 2 days.

*sharknado bomb*
Dude what was that?!
Sorry i just did a fart and spit my pants!!
Nah you just did a sharknado bomb mate my eyes are burning!!!!

by FatboySlimJesus February 19, 2017