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Shelley Rogers

a plus girl who is super hot with piercing green eyes and a nice ass.

Wow did you see her... I think you call that a Shelley Rogers.... super hot

by shelley is hot November 28, 2009

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P.B.R. Shelley

n. 1. Someone who waxes poetic primarily when drunk on cheap beer. 2. Someone who imagines himself as such, but is only annoying the shit out of all his friends.

Lucy: "David, I don't know why you have to drink so much Jagermeister and then talk fucking nonsense."

David: "I have to Goddammit, I'm a poet!"

Rob: "Yes. A regular P.B.R. Shelley."

by I have to goddammit I'm a poet November 25, 2008

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Shelley Falls

A fictional waterfall, where seashells cascade in colorful array over a cliff landing in a meadow below, leaving treasure to be found later by children and their parents.

Shelley Falls (actively showering from 6 am to 8 am each day) leaves a myriad of seashells in the meadow, glistening in the sun and delighting the hearts of children.

by Mijoy February 6, 2010

Mary Shelley

Having sex on the grave plot of a departed loved one, similarly to how Mary Shelley fucked her husband on her mother's grave

Guy 1: Hey me and my girl just Mary Shelley'd, It was kinda gross but oddly arousing
Guy 2: Wow, thats dark

by Ryan_G17 January 16, 2021

Shelley Regner

The cuddliest southern-belle with dance moves that could rival Beyonce. Has literally been there the whole time as Ashley Jones in the Pitch Perfect movie franchise. Likes her coffee black, but is a sucker for a splash of hazelnut creamer. She is the best bear-hugger in the entire universe and will choose dogs over people any day.

I can recall that the best hug I ever received was from Shelley Regner.

by ShelleyBeans July 10, 2018

shelley stewart

slut who will screw girls or guys

by Anonymous June 14, 2003

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Shelley Winters

Object, that in the water, is a very skinny lady.

She is a good swimmer, but she is no Shelley Winters.

by Anonymous August 16, 2003

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