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Sierra is one of the sweetest girls put there. She will always be by your side no matter what! She falls in love fast and has got in her heart broken multiple times. She has an amazing body!

"I wish i could find me a Sierra"

by Ma ima die January 9, 2018


Sierra is the most outgoing yet sophisticated person you will ever meet. She may be insecure, but she is really beautiful. She is the best friend you will ever meet and loves to go to events. She sometimes looks down on herself but when she deos she just picks herself back up again. Overall she is the best person you will ever meet.

Sierra is coming with me to the party

by Bbxbbejdjdkdn January 29, 2019


Sierra is a bundle of things she can be your Best friend one moment and your sister the next. Sierras are so much fun, they’re funny ( hilarious) and always can help you back up when your in a bad mood. Sierras can also be your twin sister. My Sierra, well we think the same and say the same things like the same stuff. Sierras are the best type of friend you can have and if you meet a Sierra never let them go


She’s so funny and relatable she must mea Sierra

by M@rl33n October 15, 2019


A girl who’s shy to most but once you get to know her she the best person you’ll meet. She thinks she really ugly but is actually GORGEOUS. You can tell when she likes a guy it’s obvious she does. She does a lot of sports and is super good at them.Be lucky to have one, if you mess it up you’ll regret it. You will miss her so much you won’t understand so be careful. She is sensitive and very loving person.

Guy1:who’s that she is so hot

Guy2:I don’t know but I bet she’s a Sierra

by Icy control April 22, 2019


Sierra is a very sexy girl who is really awesome and nice to everybody. She is a great girlfriend and usually likes music and arts. Sierra can be a big bitch sometimes, but only to mean people, cause Sierra just rocks most people.

Sierra is so awesome!

by aweesomee<3 August 2, 2011

100👍 26👎


Sierra is the bestest friend anyone could EVER have! shes beautiful even tho she may not believe it. Shes hillarious and always has a joke to tell :) shes like my sister and i love her soooo much!

Sierra is my best friend ever :)

by sexyyangelforeva<3 March 15, 2011

189👍 54👎


Considered a turn on, or a tease.

she is definitely a Sierra :)

by domomomo May 30, 2011

122👍 34👎