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1). When your trying to get with everyone on the low.
2). Your a liar.
3). Somewhat close to being fake, because your doing grimey stuff to your friends even yourself..
4). Bullshitter

Became really popular at Tucson high Magnet School, years 2009-2010

"Skb" 1st started saying the word.

I can't believe she's cheating on him" "yeah I know dude, she's a "snake"

by ThsMS10 September 14, 2010

36πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


NBA player Kevin Durant. Also known as someone who will join a team after they lose to them.

β€œDude, did you see Kevin Durant joined the Warriors right after he lost to them?”
β€œYea, he’s such a snake.”

by Giannis34Bucks November 3, 2019

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When an individual swipes another man's woman. Normally, texts the woman and gets her to want to have sex with them. Then after the man gets the woman to leave her current man, either dating or even married, then uses her for sex and then leaves her causing her to slit her wrists or move to a different state.

Wow that sucks, that guy just snaked your girlfriend. You'll be okay don't OD on the booger sugar.

by sneaky bastard August 25, 2009

168πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


Taylor swift

Taylor swift pretended like she did not give concent to Kanye to use her in a song. She did and was later exposed, she is a snake

by Briana del rey July 21, 2016

26πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Someone who's sly and sneaky and lies bout stuff

Like how the snake said she didn't agree to what kanye said bout her in his song but Kim posted on sc her agreeing bout the lyrics said

by Taylorbeingexposed July 20, 2016

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Jake Paul

aka a talentless cancerous fuck


by toocoolforyouuuuuuuuuu August 18, 2017

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. It lives with the Badgers and the Mushroom
2. A slang term for Cock
3. To steal something

1. A Snake A Snake, Snaaaaaake A Snake, Ohhhhhh, it's a Snake...
2. That guy has a huge Snake!
3. "That bastard just snaked my jacket!"

by KeeWee January 12, 2005

61πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž