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Don't shit in someone else's toilet

A term used for those who plan on going abroad. Don't always assume that the laws over there will be the same as in your home country, they may be different and you could get caught out. It causes terrible anxiety to get arrested or go through a judicial process in another country so be careful. A good example is if you plan on flying a drone in another country. The laws may be different and the foreigners may get more irate over it than those in your own country.

Person 1: I might fly my drone over Paris when I go.
Person 2: French law may be different, be careful. Don't shit in someone else's toilet!

by LordJenal September 3, 2022

Someone else's bonzai tree

Especially relevant in big companies. When you develop an intricate, sought after skill set, but never rise to the level that was possible from your early potential, that may have been/still could be achievable elsewhere.

Zach has a PhD from an ivy league college, and has built enviable experience, but has never risen above director level in the blue chip company he works for. He's become little more than someone else's bonzai tree, and should probably leave, in order to become a red wood.

by RandyRhoads84 October 23, 2023

Someone else

1.Someone that is not you. 2.Someone threatening. 3. Your psychiatrist.

Your Girlfriend is cheating on you with someone else. Sorry David.

by BuckleMeTimbers November 12, 2020

Trynna get someone else to do their jobs

Laughable attempt at a put down by someone who themselves rarely contributes anything to society in general. They do have a sick lid though and are known for being absolute gold on the smash.

I've had a blue WKD and now feel hard as fuck so I'll throw some shade on the work chat about how some actually useful people are always 'Trynna get someone else to do their jobs' I'm fucking hilarious!

by Boatsrcool June 24, 2022

Clean someone else's manatee

Basically it means stop wasting my fucking time and go bug someone else. An example would be:

Person 1: Hey, hey, hey, hey, what do you think clouds taste like? Like, like cotten candy?

Person 2: God bro don't you got to clean someone else's manatee?

by Larryisalampost July 27, 2021

something someone else hasn't already used

When you try to think of something good (usually to type as a comment) but the only good thing you can think of has already been used, so you try to think of something original.

Come on, I can't think of something someone else hasn't already used for a good comment.

by Evenmyusernamescan'tbeoriginal November 16, 2020

Stepping on someone else’s toes

When at a corner store or any business establishment, where you're trying to conduct a business transaction and somebody comes to try and interfere in your transaction trying to conduct the business of their own.

A bro why are you stepping on someone else’s toes man, let bro conduct his business transaction and you stop trying to be janky bro.

by Zaerock777 May 26, 2024