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Spill the tea sis

A popular slang word for โ€œtell me everything girl!โ€

Omgggg spill the tea sisss!!!

by sadiepie January 29, 2019

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Spill some tea

When you're about to tell some very interesting gossip

"Did you know what happened? No? Ok I'm about to spill some tea be ready"

by MGfromthe6 December 15, 2016

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Spill the tea sis

Someone telling you to tell them all the drama and gossip

Rebecca Omg hey Jessica, Spill The Tea Sis!!

Jessica Okay i got you fam

by Oh_hello_there February 27, 2019

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spill the tea sis

when there is major tea and it needs to be spilled

Kayla: spill the tea sis
Dani: so carisha and samuel hooked up at jamaica's party!!

by Jamaica lady November 18, 2018

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Spill the tea, sis

Group of words you say when you are making a funny video.

I have something to tell you.Spill the tea, sis

by el byers August 16, 2019

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spilling some tea

Really good girl gossip

I was talking to V and i was spilling some tea and i was like GIRL!!!!

by RebeLeader July 21, 2017

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Drop The Honey,Spill The Tea

Meaning When you usually Spill The Tea but it's not as Hot as the Tea usually or if it not really interesting tea to spill and you just wanna say it you would say Drop The Honey,Spill The Tea

Katie: I need to Drop The Honey,Spill The Tea!
Asha: Okay Spill the uninteresting tea

by It'sMeAsha April 5, 2019