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Anal Sprayer

This is quite unusual, But, When you are having anal sex and the penis is so long it somehow comes out of your nose (Don't ask how) And sprays jizz everywhere.

Celeste Mizen and James Hall had anal. A few days later, Celeste said "I am the queen of the Anal Sprayer"

by MazbetoTheFishMonger May 2, 2009

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ass sprayer

When someone shags you in the ass so fast that you spray 8 pounds of shit in their face and mouth

I got shagged in the ass so fast I did an ass sprayer. Then my boyfriend made me lick all the shit off of him and eat it.

by Stinger June 20, 2004

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shit sprayer

1. The sprayer with nice-smelling shit that you spray in your bathroom after you take a giant dump. Sometimes the big shits don't smell at all, but you should definitely shit spray your bathroom after a dump for the sake of your roommates, who will then shit spray for you.

2. Basically Febreze, but you probably bought the cheap kind.

3. Can be used as a verb: to shit spray--to spray the shit sprayer.


1. Tom: Bitchfuck Aaron, you forgot to use the shit sprayer. Now my cologne smells like your shit.
Aaron: It's OK, if you get lucky you'll just feel like you're doing anal.

2. Jason, should we buy 1 shit sprayers or 2?
Buy 3, Nick's making chalupas for dinner.

by TDfuckingB March 8, 2007

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Large Sprayer

A type of fart which is executed with such a force that it rips its way through the asshole, creating a spraying sound. A large sprayer is commonly released in spurts, but can be expelled as one cohesive burst as well.

Jesus Christ bro...whats with all the large sprayers? Your asshole must be tight as fuck.

by Elephantwoods April 8, 2011

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faulty crop-sprayer

The action your sphincter makes into the bog after a large night `on it`

Jesus my arse this morning after that `ruby`, it was going like a faulty crop-sprayer`!

by Richard Cook March 28, 2003

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faulty crop-sprayer

1)In North by Northwest, the plane giving Cary Grant a hard time.

2)A prostate that no longer functions

"Get that there piece o shit out of my barn."

by Hung-Lo May 2, 2003

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spicy brown mustard Sprayer

when your significant other squats over your face and begins to slowly push warm watery diarrhea into your mouth

John: hey bro...my wife is ready for the spicy brown mustard sprayer
Tommy: bro...what the fuck

by conril sizzil July 21, 2020

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