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a shitty pass in basketball which usually ends up with a turnover, usually done by a darkmark

stop giving me stevies bro

by chase laframboise December 16, 2019


when a female, is a person who is highly intelligent, but not too bright. gets good grades in school, but has "blonde" tendency.

"that stevie, she good at everything isn't she?"
"yeah, but she still walks into open doors"

by ahiru May 15, 2008

861๐Ÿ‘ 455๐Ÿ‘Ž


word for any cute girl with a man's name

hey stevi's a stevi

by daagggearseaf August 27, 2008

132๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


the downest chick in the hood, pretty much runs shit and can find what u need but wount give it too you her self.

bitch next door, if rock n' roll had a sister, Stevi would be her best friend

by Missyher July 19, 2009

128๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


A manipulative woman who will reject your support in all forms after finding a partner that wont last, as even though you're just friends, said partner is afraid of that energy you bring. Prior history will be less valid than the partner met a month ago.

See also:
Women, Octopus-esque grip, Liar, Bethel, Really easily manipulates, It was me, No, Kids.

Yeah mate, that's a Stevi. Wouldn't wanna get caught in that one.

by NowIKnowWhyMattSaidWhatHeDid September 26, 2022


Is a girl/boy that is hilarious. This person is the best to be around, and is good looking.

Random:I met this hot girl/guy this weekend.
Friend of random: Must of been a Stevy.

by elisha_sne August 28, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shortened form of Stefanie given to glib, usually incredibly hot, chicks who like to feign interest in only the most recent causes celebres. Stevis are characterized by irascibility, impracticality, lack of imagination or original thought and a penchant for banging dudes with little or no persuasion.

Jill: Ya, Brenda's hanging out with her new friend Sage again this weekend.

Chris: Really? She just met him three days ago at the organic farmer's market. She's supposed to have dinner and drinks with us!

Jill: 'Fraid so; they're going to picket the local Army recruiter's office on Saturday.

Chris: Wow, she's turning into a real Stevi.

by 190-190 November 23, 2010

65๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž