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Suburbia Syndrome

Inspired by the scene from the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds" in which the car thieves become lost in "suburbia hell" due to the fact that every house, yard and street appear exactly the same. It's the condition felt by these thieves and can be brought on by various events.

John: Is it just me or do all the songs on the radio sound exactly the same these days?
Matt: Huh, I get that same feeling about movies every time I walk out of the theatre.
Gord: That's weird. I felt like that after having sex with my girlfriend last night!
Travis: Sounds like you guys are all suffering from Suburbia Syndrome.

by SlapShawt February 10, 2011

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Jesus of suburbia

Jesus of suburbia is a famous song from Green day's American Idiot album. After the huge popularity of the song the word Jesus of suburbia began being used for people relating to the songs lyrics. Being a Jesus of suburbia means feeling all alone, and it's just you and the world against you.

All my friends hate me and my girlfriend dumped my last night, i feel like the jesus of suburbia.

by DookieNookie February 8, 2019

Suburbia Blaster

Created by the boys of 511, a gang in denver, a suburbia blaster is made by buying a liter of Dr. Pepper, drinking it or pouring it out to the label, then filling it up to the expiration date with the cheapest whiskey available. 511 generally agrees upon Kentucky Deluxe. Close the cap, shake, drink.
Closely related to the ghetto blaster of voodoo glowskulls fame, and the Boulder blaster, made with a 20oz Dr. Pepper in place of the liter due to lower availability of liters of Dr. Pepper on the Hill.

What are you doing tonight?

I dunno, meng, prolly just chillin at Stella's with a suburbia blaster.

by 511/// Young Blonde Innocent June 15, 2010

Jesus Of Suburbia

One of the best songs ever created. A song of the best band ever Green Day. It tells a story about the Jesus who is struggling with his life. I listen it so much it makes my parents crazy. So yeah go listen it!!!!

-what song are you listening to?
β€’ Jesus of Suburbia

- is it good?
β€’ yeah it’s like heaven to my ears.

by St.JimmyArmstrong December 27, 2022

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baron of suburbia

Someone who always takes but never gives. From Tori Amos' eponymous song.

That girl's a real baron of suburbia!! I helped her so many times and she did nothing in return.

by Sandra Bee September 7, 2005

Jesus of Suburbia

Something that is mentioned a million times that we have no idea what the hell it means in Green Day's new album American Idiot

"You're not the Jesus of Suburbia/the St. Jimmy is a figment of your fathers rage and your mothers love"

by SRL September 26, 2004

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jesus of suburbia

its a brill song bit long but der u go n i dnt belive in christian stuff but afta readin der lyrics it sorta makes sense prefered american idiot *cough george bush* thou. N FED UP WIF GOD DAMN CHEERLEADER WANNABES N PREPS

dem- y r listenin to green day jesus of suburbia
me- wen i start listenin to korn u can hav ago at me
dem - who?
me - omg u prik stik

by purple monkey n blue sheep ere August 11, 2006

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