Source Code

Sweater Weather Man


Sweater Weather Man gets laid every night!

by sweaterweatherman December 4, 2014

2👍 9👎

do you listen to sweater weather?

"do you listen to sweater weather" is code for "are you bisexual?"

guy: hey, do you listen to sweater weather?
girl: yeah, are you coming out to me in any way what-so-ever?
guy: still questioning.
girl: well, I support you :)

by max quigley July 2, 2020

342👍 6👎

Sweater Weather

A great song to listen to when you're drawing a certain car.

Sweater Weather is written by "The Neighborhood"

The song Sweater Weather makes me want to draw!

by TheIdoticOne March 30, 2021

Sweater Weather

When uncircumcised men get action during the winter. The sweater is a nickname for the foreskin; Thus keeping it warm during the season.

Damn dude, my dick is cold! Its almost sweater weather though!

by Mexicanese1128 December 26, 2020

Sweater Weather

A song that ruin the hopes and dreams of everyone that hears it. It's soul crushing. No one should speak of this song... ever.

Eva: Oh I love this song!

Sienna: What's is called?

Eva: Sweater Weather-

Sienna: Nevermind.

by EvaMarie322 February 7, 2022

1👍 1👎