Source Code


A stray strand of bofa, although it is much more rare due to the fact that it is less contagious than (ligma) and a host cannot contract both; ligma and E-TMA bassed on current scientific data. Although it is still a grew area in the attempts to stop autism. It is spread verbally by tricking some poor bastard into saying "E-TMA".

Autistic child #1 :You know E-TMA?

Normal child #1 :Whats E-TMA?

Autistic child #1 : E-TMA MY ASS!

by Eugene's backpack May 13, 2019

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TMA Golobulus

A person that drinks excessively has sex with any women he finds even if it mean flying half way around the world as long as she pays for it, and then farts on them as a thank you. Usually wakes up hung over off his ass.

This person also hates everyone and thinks the whole world is black and jewish and is the only person in the universe who can put a sentence together using only the word nigger.

He can usually be found knee deep somewhere in Rustess. Insulting the fags and dying alot then claiming he never dies, But when he does, he claims he looks "Damn good" while doing it.

TMA Killer: Glob what ya doing?

TMA Golobulus: I'm knee deep in Rustess killing niggers you fag, Now shut the fuck up I'm spilt my drink!!! AAAHHH Jews... he's niggering me!!!

by Donkedik November 21, 2006

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Any pathetic network computer system that resides within Canada, using primarily wordCogent/word bandwidth.

TMA-1.brad-x.com is such a pathetic shitbox.

by lol3431 May 3, 2003

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TMA Heath

Rarely gets on, Worthless driod engineer. Likes to have sex with random women at walmart, Has more STD's than Paris Hilton, Also he is very hickish

TMA Doncaster: Can you craft me a droid Heath?
TMA Heath: I canceled my subscription because im a complete hick, and I need to pay off my medical bills to cure my Gonorrhea
TMA Golobulus: FUCKING NIGGER, Im being niggerized!!

by 565452345 November 21, 2006


TMA means Trade Mark Artist,it's the name of a Nigerian Based song writer and lyricist.

Michael is the TMA

by TMA's No 1 Fan October 3, 2020


A tall& smart boy who is shy& once u get to know him hes the weirdest person is a easy person to fall n love with he will usually like u back he only says i luv u not i love u &after a while he starts 2 think of his past and stop liking you& like another girl who is better then u& wants to break up with u but he if he does u will cry so he stays with u and tell u all these lies 2 make u happy& tell u everynight I luv u but doesnt mean it 1 day you feel hes keeping stuff from u u tell him 2 tell u he doesnt want 2 u force him 2 u find out he only dated u cuz you cut& liked a different girl have the time you guys dated u feel so heart broken and cry 4 hours& he keeps saying sorry he says he didnt mean to hurt u but it isnt true u cry everyday because of tmas u love him so much u cant get over him after all the pain he caused u 5 mouths have past 3 months w/o tmas u still love him even though he broke u u guys are best friends he only cares about u as a friend u talk everyday sometimes u cry while talking 2 tmas he says sorry again u say its ok while crying 2 more months pass it would be ur guys 8 month he realizes he still has feeling for you hes sorry 4 everything he caused u he wants you back he wants to give u a hug like he promised he would n class he goes up 2 u and hugs u u guys cry together he hugs u tight and says dont worry Im yours and I'm not leaving ur the happiest girl n the world you tell him you love him he tells you back<3

I love tmas so much hes amazing I can't believe I have him back.

by Candy7777 November 8, 2015


the morning after

ugh, tma, time to clean up the house

by nickimanijjjjjjahhh March 4, 2016