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Taylor Lautner

A fine 19 year old who has a passion for acting and will anything for it. Many people love,many people envy him,many people make fun of him. I am a girl. Person on UB said he has a wired looking head a high voice and he is ugly but he is none of this type and is not fat and actually WAS probably the skinniest person I have ever seen. Taylor Lautner is a warmed hearted young adult and should not be made fun of.

Taylor Lautner:Hey
Me: hey

by aed4ever February 26, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taylor Lautner

currently in a relationship with charlotte morris

Taylor lautner really likes charlotte morris

by LAsunshine February 2, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž

taylor lautner

A vary sexy actor who has nice abs and big muscles!!! most girls are in love with him!!!!

I wish i had abs like taylor lautner.

by lolsmilelol July 8, 2009

194๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

taylor lautner

HIIIIDDDEEEOUUUSS IDDDIIIOOTTIC actor with a completely deformed head and a high, nasally voice. THE. UGLIEST. PERSON. YOU. WILL. EVER. SEE.

Person 1: "What's that fat thing walking over there with the gay voice who doesn't own a shirt?"

Person 2: "Oh, that's Taylor Lautner."

by obamasucks18 November 13, 2010

47๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

taylor lautner

one of the damn, hottest, sexiest guys in the whole world! also has been an actor since he was a kid.

girl 1: omg! taylor lautner is so hot!
girl 2: yeah! he's a great actor too!

by taylorluatnerfan777 February 2, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taylor Lautner syndrome

When a guy is buff, hot and has a great smile but waaaaaaay too many chicks chasing him. Awesome when he likes you back. Adam Abajian has this... Too bad half the class likes him, I'm just a friend to him.

Me: *Sigh* Adam is so hot...

Alyssa: Don't even go there, he has Taylor Lautner syndrome. All the girls want him.

Me: Damn his hot abs...

by That hot girl nobody remembers October 8, 2010

64๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

the Taylor Lautner effect

When an actor has no acting ability whatsoever, but the audience do not notice because they are too captivated by how hot the actor is.

Also see the female equivalent: The Megan Fox effect

Amy: Taylor Lautner is so hot, and such a great actor also.

Bill: No he isn't, you've just been struck by The Taylor Lautner effect.

by jonas5 September 25, 2011