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derived from tempo, as in to raise the tempo, temps is a word relating the group consensus with regard to an evening out on the town fuelled by alcohol. The reasons for going out can be threefold, 1:to catch tasty fresh, 2: to "duck under" or simply 3: to get rocked. In conclusion Temps is a shortened version of "are we goin out?"

Jackal A to Jackal B: "any temps tonight?"
Jackal B to Jackal A: "why certiainly young sir, i think the ubiquity of fresh ducks at the pond a.k.a. RoadHouse, is to good an opportunity to pass up...?"
Jackal A to Jackal B: "Jackaal, jackaal jackaaaaal, jackal jackal jackaaal ja-a-ckaaaaaal......domskoy"

by Canary July 8, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who joins a gym temperately , they join the gym but only workout for a month, or they are just noobs and don't know how to workout.

Tori and Danielle: Hey Dave, your so ripped! I want you in my pants!
Dave: Quite Temp!

by dave kadden April 9, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A hot guy with a huge cock

"Damn, temp got a huge cock all the ladies wanna handle"

by m May 14, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tempe 12

Tempe 12 is a group of amazingly hot girls that all go to Arizona state university. It's been said that Arizona state has the hottest girls out of any school in the country, but Tempe 12 are a handful of the hottest. When you're in the Tempe 12, you can get into any club, anyones house, and any party you could think of.

Guy1: Dude, Tempe 12 was walking around my chemistry class today giving free calenders away! they convinced me to sign up for a bunch of stuff too! it was AWESOME

Guy2: Sigh, freshman..

by Sparky the devil January 12, 2011

62๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tempe Challenge

Hitting the cigar and vape at the same time in Tempe.

Homie just hit the Tempe Challenge down the block and came back destroyed, looney. Tempe challenge got me tripping.

by Jabadoh October 10, 2023

Tard Temps

A temp service that only hires the retarded for menial tasks and or personal amusement.

I set up an obstacle course in my back yard. Iโ€™m going to call Tard Temps and have them send over a couple goofy mongoloids to send through it while we drink beers and laugh.

by The Hero7 March 3, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

temp cycle

When you get fired/laid-off/quit your job and try to get another full time job, but can't for some reason, so you take a temp job. When that ends no one will hire you because they think, "If this guy was any good his last employer would have hired him full time." So you get another temp job because they'll hire anyone.

Justin: I've been looking for a job for 3 months now, and the only places showing any interest are just temp jobs.

Rich: So, what's wrong with that?
J: Well it would be nice to have insurance or paid days off or any kind of benefits, and have a normal, stable job. But I guess I'm just stuck in a temp cycle for-fucking-ever!

by !JayAm! August 3, 2018