Source Code

Ellenville Alarm Clock

When an individual looses consciousness after a long night of drinking alcoholic beverages and his friend uses flatulence in the general vicinity of the facial region to wake said individual up from his alcohol induced slumber.

Nick drank too much Lvivske with Jamie and Melania at the CYM bar last night, so Adrian had to give him an Ellenville Alarm Clock to wake him up.

by Mohila July 28, 2012

Modafinil alarm clock

Modafinil alarm clock is when you take 200mg of Modafinil the morning before, like around 8am. Then the main effects lasts 12 hours. You stay awake and alert. Then there's about 100mg left in your body at 8pm. You go to sleep at midnight, and instead of usually waking up at 8pm, you wake up at 5am feeling refreshed. Basically, you wake up earlier and only sleep 5 hours. Then 8 hours the next day. Then 11 hours the next day (to catch up on sleep) then back to 8 hours. If you try another Modafinil the next week, you will only sleep 5 hours the first night.

Another way Modafinil alarm clock can work is by setting up an alarm to wake up an hour before the time you want. Let's say you slept at midnight and need to wake up at 6am to get ready to leave at 8am. You set the alarm clock for 5am. You wake up groggy, drink water from a water bottle and take 200mg of Modafinil. You go back to sleep. You wake up at 5:30am or 6:00am feeling alert, refreshed, and energized. You brush your teeth, make breakfast, put on clothes, take medication (if it applies), and skip the coffee and grab some stuff and then leave and buy a soda. Modafinil is the coffee of the future!

I woke up at 8am. I took 200mg Modafinil yesterday. I stayed up during the day awake and alert and energized. I slept 5 hours and woke up at 5am feeling refreshed and energized. Taking Modafinil is better than drinking loads of coffee. Thanks Modafinil alarm clock!

I woke up to my alarm clock all groggy at 5am. I took 200mg of Modafinil. I went to bed and woke up at 6am alert, awake, and energized. This is better than caffeine. I don't need crappy no good coffee. Thanks Modafinil alarm clock!

by HawaiianPunch1 January 11, 2022

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alarm clock anxiety

when you know you have to get up at a certain time, but can't fall asleep to begin with, and you keep looking at the clock.

i was up all night with alarm clock anxiety, cuz i didn't want to sleep in and miss my job interview.

by ric_IH July 22, 2008

Lexington Alarm Clock

The act of defecating in a pillow case, and then hitting someone with that pillowcase.

She wouldn't wake up so I gave her a Lexington alarm clock.

by Jreed84 April 11, 2011

fellatio alarm clock

the best way to start your day

when my wife wakes me up with the fellatio alarm clock i forget how bad my life sucks and enjoy every minute of the day

by brock lee August 22, 2005

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Mokena Alarm Clock

When you're camping in a tent with a guy, and you wake up in the morning to see him jerking off in his sleep.

Man, Mazz woke me up this morning with a Mokena Alarm Clock. He must have been itching to get a hooper out.

by Coach1977 July 27, 2012

Penis Alarm Clock

The act of taking your penis and smacking someone until they wake up

" How'd you like the penis alarm clock this morning"

by ConStart September 14, 2016