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creek kin

When your related through marriage

Dude I can hit that we just creek kin not blood kin!

by ashane May 23, 2016

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Schitts creek

all of the best sitcoms but make it a canadian and gay

why would i watch the office when schitts creek exists

by ewdavid January 3, 2021

frank creek

a spoonerism (crank freak - frank creek) used for closet methamphetamine addicts who work at regular day jobs and speed on crystal on the sneak.

Ron knew his nasty secret frank creek persona could be verified by his bosses in Napa if they ever forced him to submit to a hair analysis but he couldn't stop speeding because it was beyond his control.

by Ron Keith January 28, 2008

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creek out

to "fuck up" in such a way that it causes grief and despair to others.

dudeman: "yo you still fuckin that girl"
dudeman 2: "nah"
dudeman: " why?"
dudeman 2: " I aint know"
dudeman : " damn boi you creekin out"

potsmoker: " yo you get that herb"
drug dealer: " nah not yet"
potsmoker: "damn you creek out"

by gucci8 December 2, 2009

byrne creek

an award winning Canadian community school that faces more thefts and vandalisms than the average school; in fact, the T in HEART, their slogan, stands for Theft

"Someone just stole my locker at Byrne Creek"

by BitchSjit September 9, 2019

Anal Creek

Anal creek means you are having a bad time or a shit day. Anal Creek is also a place where shit goes down. Can be used in a sentence such as ("I am down in the dumps") "I am down in anal creek"

I am down in anal creek.
I am having such an anal creek of a day.

by 17 inch dildo March 16, 2015

scorton’s creek

the best song ever made stream scortons creek by isaac dunbar

i love scorton’s creek

by leah😏 June 4, 2020