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one of the biggest beasts around.

"Dam fez is such a beastly beast!"

by Fez October 13, 2004

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the only male who is linked to and can understand the snarkettes. gives awesome gifts. is a bit more than a bit of a neat-freak and enjoys making paper delicacies in his spare time.

fez...of fez and the snarkettes!

by anonomous January 3, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

platinum fez

When a baseball player strikes out five times in a game. (also usable for hockey when someone scores five goals). Follows the hat trick (3), golden sumbrero (4).

With his fifth strikeout of the night, Mark Teixeira is saddled with with platinum fez.

by yes2research July 23, 2010

249๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fez Whatley

One-half of the Surius-XM radio shock jock power-duo "Ron and Fez". Born in Florida to racist parents and living the majority of his life selling shitty cars to inbred panhandlers, Fez AKA; Todd Hilliard, Uncle Todd or Fezzy W., got into radio some time after being beaten over the head with a stick by the notorious "Cane-Pole Gang". Now living in New York City, more specifically Roosevelt Island, or as the locals call it, Retard Island, Fez allegedly spends his spare time vacuuming and dusting his apartment, probably flirting with Chinese food delivery boys, and I'm guessing, practicing wrestling holds on his cat, Scruffy. His favorite food is ant-covered donuts, and his hobbies are; reading comic books, watching WWE, laying out in the sun until half his face is burnt off, vacationing in Florida and playing kick ball with the fellas at Four Winds Mental Health Facility. Fez was also a focal member of the band "The Asexual Monkeys" along side Earl Douglas. The band split up when Fez exposed he in fact, was not asexual, shaming Earl into quitting his job as the lone asexual.

Gay onlooker at the gay pride parade: Who is that steamin' stack of man on the Retard Island float? (as he adjusts his sunglasses down to the tip of his nose as to peer out over the top of the rim)

Gay onlookers strait buddy: Who? Oh, that's Fez Whatley. Built like a brick shit house, but homeboy talks like a girl!

by Justin Bartha February 24, 2009

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Ron and Fez

Comic talk radio duo, originally broadcasting from O-town(WKRO), who then dominated the airwaves in New York City(WNEW) and DC(WJFK). Released from their contracts with Infinity, they can be heard on XM Satelite Radio CHANNEL 202 on Sept. 12, 2005.

I can't wait for the AFRO shows when Ron & Fez join up again with Opie & Anthony!

by m1. August 9, 2005

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Fez Monkey

The highest level of being, the highest point of evolution. Only a select few ever make it to this.

The Fez Monkey is infinitely more advanced than the normal homo sapien.

by Shouryu Nanase March 2, 2004

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arse fez

A word used frequently in the flash cartoon "weebl and bob".
Literally means "ah shit".

Weebl:I spy with my sexy eye, something beginning with "S"
Bob: Is it "sign"?
Weebl(thinking):Arse fez!

by madmike 2011 May 18, 2006

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