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plural form of genious

Even to this day, Albert Einstein and Thomas Jefferson were a couple of geni!

by DrummerX246 July 16, 2011

4👍 4👎


Genis, short for genitalia, is a quick way to say that people are hooking up versus saying they're in love. Pronounced Jen-Eees .

Mac Miller and Ariana Grande are totally rubbing genis. Not sure how long they will last though.

by TheFreshDougLife March 18, 2017

2👍 2👎


genitals; preferably wet and saggy ones.

Gillians genies are superb and prestine.

by Arousing Anna June 19, 2010

10👍 24👎


n. a girl penis commonly found on a tranny.

v. a swearword commonly used when one left their pack of condoms at home.

Lady Gaga definitely has a genis, there is no way that she is not masculine.

Oh, GENIS! I left my condoms at home!

by theinvisible_ninja June 12, 2010

6👍 13👎


I wish I could find a magic lantern

I wish you could look in my eyes and see how much I love you
I wish you could hold me and tell me you love me.. I wish I could do the same
I wish I could wake to you next to me everyday for eternity

Opposite .. what am I grateful for…
I am thankful for numbers.. if it wasn’t for number love we wouldn’t be here.. I totally would have given up

I am thankful for our connection and even though it would be easier for us to give up, grieve the loss … we continue
I am thankful I have you

I am thankful I wake every morning feeling a love I have never experienced..

I am thankful for the excitement and nervousness you bring me…

I am thankful for how you can make me smile with a simple change in numbers

I am thankful I can experience this level of love with you… with nothing physically.
I am thankful you are soooo patient and understanding

I am thankful for just the thought I may see you sends my heart racing
I am thankful you never give up
I am thankful you love me❤️❤️
I am thankful for us…

Genie.. as messed up as things may feel at times… look at all of the things we are grateful for…and this is based solely off if numbers… really puts things into perspective ❤️❤️❤️

Guess what? I love you always❤️❤️
I don’t know what you read, and possibly over analyze… I love you and I am not going anywhere .. just Incase you ever question it…

How I wait for that day… to be wrapped in your arms.. ❤️❤️❤️

by Smiles for you❤️😘 December 10, 2022

20👍 40👎


Sending selfies of your genetalia male or female.

I sent a genie to two girls at the bar I attended last night.

by genatelfie May 28, 2014

5👍 10👎


Pronounced "Jennys". Genital Warts.

Don't fuck Stephanie, that bitch has the genis!

by Mighty B December 6, 2005

8👍 20👎