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Evil alliance race in World of Warcraft (best MMO ever) that are too hard to click and therefore... suck.

Freakin gnome and their small size, my 60 rogue can't kill the level 40 gnome warrior! ARGG!

by SpikeMinoda July 12, 2005

104👍 105👎


Small bearded figures (always male)made of wood or ceramic materials, usually found in the homes and gardens of Bag Ladies, Bus Drivers, and Tooks alike. Gnomes have become iconic symbols to middle aged Women and Men as representations of phallic objects; as a result of this the term "gnoming" has been coined when referencing the desire to receive or bestow phallic penetration. Also used commonly in the past tense i.e. "gnomed"

a woman might say, "what do I have to do to get a good "gnoming?"

a man might say, "so last night, I finally
"gnomed" that girl I've been dating."

by Sheep FeverDog February 28, 2009

49👍 45👎


Delightful creatures who live in a world filled with fantasy and mystery. Gnomes are known for their pointy hats, sideways walk, and for being extremely punctual.

I knew a gnome who lived in a world filled with fantasy and mystery, walked sideways, and was extremely punctual.

by Cptnshnr4 October 1, 2008

107👍 109👎


verb - the act of taking pictures of a gnome/gnomes in front of or with famous places, famous people, funny signs, etc. Gnoming is often done by people with a sense of adventure and a zeal for telling exciting stories about their favorite mystical woodland creatures.

Today Sally and I took our favorite garden gnome Baxter and went gnoming around the city.

by jla101786 January 28, 2007

15👍 10👎


The root of ALL evil

evil gnomes

by Man-with-Stick March 8, 2004

58👍 60👎


Refers to people who don't go out at night.

They are magical creatures that are not seen after 8pm.
Mainly applies to those in college that rather stay in than go out.

Gnome status is acquired after 2 repeated weekends of staying in without a valid excuse.

Valid excuses include dying, exam the next day, and a date( although if the dates continually interfere with going out they are no longer a valid excuse)

Friend A: You going to Pub?

Friend B: No I'm staying in

Friend A: umm dude you've stayed in the past 2 weeks and

midterms are over why aren't you going out

Friend B: I'm just not

Friend A: wow you're a total Gnome

by yeahiknow imawesome November 21, 2011

45👍 49👎


A gnome is the preponderance of pre-pubescent, or simply underdeveloped teenage males that preoccupy their lives with nerdy online games such as “world of warcraft” and “torn city”. Whilst conversing to their overseas online buddies, they often use a prevalent amount of expressive emoticons and online slang. The average gnome begins their internet alter-identity at a young age, and progress from pet sites such as “neopets” onto bigger and tougher games, such as “counter strike” and “world of warcraft”.
Often, some gnomes progress onto even owning their own gaming website. This however, is only the “leader gnomes”, not the “try hard gnomes”.

The gnomes appearance is often very mediocre, they are usually rather stocky, from all those solitary hours spent at the computer, or quite lanky from the lack of eating from spending many solitary hours at the computer. Their hair is often short and buzzed into a crew cut and their clothing is still chosen by their overbearing mothers.

Many gnomes chose to be employed by their local supermarket as their first job, this often develops into a full-fledged obsession as many gnomes become obsessed and desire a job as CEO when older.

Kael possesses many characteristics of a gnome.

by Dani =) June 12, 2007

33👍 34👎