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chocolate gondola ride

When a man or woman, defecates into another female's vagina.

Bob took Tina for a chocolate gondola ride last night.

by Jack D. Maddux May 14, 2007

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The inverse of a spit roast, when 2 females ride you at the same time.

Dude Sean is a legend he got a Gondola this weekend from the two hottest girls at the bar. They took him from the mouth and dick.

by tmac2308 October 9, 2017

Gondola Fuck

Having oral sex on a gondola at a public ski resort

Yeah man, lets have a Gondola Fuck

by LittleBigNerdBoy March 11, 2022

Swiss Gondola

When you spit into your pee stream, whilst standing and taking a piss. Thus creating a tiny spit-gondola carried off by said pee stream.

I just can’t seem to stop pulling the ol’ Swiss gondola when I’m drunk!

by Kissin Kousin December 24, 2020

Gondola Melmacino

A Female Melmacian’s clitoris

Adult Augie (258 year old): “Why wasn’t meaning of gondola?”
Tommy: “this is why when bob saw Flo Went To the Bathroom And Had To Get touch. Who touched?”
Freddie: “gondola melmacino”

by MayDayMeh June 15, 2018