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Casper Index

The Casper index is the law of logarithmic scale to determine how white someone is.

Wow that kid is so white he looks like Casper the ghost he must be a 10 on the Casper index

by EnglishPlague May 5, 2021

douchebag index

The douchebag index (DBI) is a statistic that yields the number of days since a person last bathed. It is found by multiplying the number of visible tattoos (VT) by the number of missing teeth (MT).


This dude's douchebag index is 27, meaning that he hasn't bathed in about four weeks. He has nine gross tattoos and three missing teeth.

by Duckbutt December 22, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Fuck Index

The Fuck Index (TFI), also known as The Google Fuck Poll, is a DIY poll like the Gallup Poll, but available to "we the people". It best used for measuring the relative popularity of key politicians, past and present. It is tested by doing a "Fuck <enter name>" on a Google Search, and reading the totals. Currently Obama is at 23 million hits for "Fuck Obama", whereas "Fuck Bush" has dropped to less than 2 million.

Democrap: Boy, I am so happy I voted for Obama, he's beat Bush 10 times over on The Fuck Index.

Repube: You used the Google Fuck Poll to get that? You Jackass! How could you people be so stupid! The Fuck Index is not a good thing. It means ppl think Obama is 10 times worse than Bush.

by Bitschlap Watch January 11, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

index finger

the finger that is mostly used, here are some uses for it.
1. Picking ur nose
2. used to point at someone
3. used to POKE someone cough cough sam lol.
4. to wave a no no to someone.
5. to mention someone to come near u
6. to itch a body part on ur body
7. used to scratch ur head when ur thinking
8. this finger is the one people usually bite on or chew on
9. to instruct a person or people

1. ew ur picking ur nose!
2. aw, your in trouble!
3. ow...wtf? STOP POKING ME!
4. thats not a good thing to do, thats a no no
5. come here hot stuff...
6. u no, my nose really itchs
7. now, 1+1= hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
8. yum yum yum

by Chet and Josh November 2, 2004

55๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Index Toe

The toe (which is next to your large toe) that resembles E.T. Really, they look quite similar. It's quite uncanny.

Was E.T. modeled after our index toe?

by Green Goblin000 October 7, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Prius Index

The index of animals that are defined as megafauna, this is determined by whether they would survive a collision with a Toyota Prius. Any animal capable of surviving an impact with a Prius and doing more damage to the car is then defined as megafauna, examples include American Bison, Elephants, Rhinoceros, ect.

"My biology professor talked about various types of animals today and introduced us to the Prius Index."

by Burton-gator October 20, 2023

Misery Index

The best fuckin' metal band on the planet.

If you want to listen to good music, pick up a Misery Index album.

by DeadByDawn October 5, 2004

37๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž