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The act of being the best, at everything.

Wow, he is really good at everything!...He must be a Nick. Nick rules!

by megaawsomecoolguy February 17, 2009

1087πŸ‘ 466πŸ‘Ž


Nick. He is sweet like a peach and easy to love. He’s nice and will make a conversation better by joining into it. You will definitely want to be his friend. If you find a nick don’t let him go.

Person 1: who’s that kid?
Person 2: oh that’s nick he’s pretty cool

by Rashel1308 September 13, 2019

62πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A person with a hard long mother fucking penis that is horny to go up some wet vaginas!


by Tristan terb March 29, 2017

99πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Nick is someone who is very shy and quiet. You have to approach him, but once you do he is a funny, caring, exciting guy. He likes to joke around, but knows when to be serious. He is musically talented and very good at sports. He is the best he can be in everything he does. He is naturally smart, but doesn't try in school. He listens to your problems, but doesn't give the greatest advice. He can sense when something is wrong and won't let it go until he knows what is bugging you. He is very hard to figure out and is a closed book. The only way to get him to open up is to let him know he can trust you. Any girl would be lucky to have him and many girls want him. He likes to talk face to face and doesn't text much. He hangs out with a lot of girls, unless he likes a girl he doesn't narrow it down to just one close female friend.

Hey, i hung out with nick last night! He is so sweet!
Yea, i hung out with him Tuesday night, he is very caring and funny!

by Miss Saphire July 7, 2014

30πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A person that has sex with anyone for a popsicle

Nick's sucking that guy off

by SnakyEagle998 March 15, 2017

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


What a character Nick is. He has deep brown eyes like the shit that you flush down the toilet and greasy brown hair that makes every girl within a 30 meter radius orgasm. He sometimes forgets about the importance of boundaries within his relationship and often falls into the habit of including her in all facets of his life. His staff may only be an inch long but he makes up for it with personality and humour. Nick is kind and compassionate to all and has a calming presence which makes everyone around him happy. His power is immeasurable.

Fuck you nick

by Nick’s Mommy April 26, 2019

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


some shit head that will take your m&ms's when you don't know

guy: where are my m&m's
Nick: no idea hehehehehehe

by Spike173 December 10, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž