Source Code

Ping Pong

"ping pong" is code for the act of hooking up with the opposite gender.

Hey. do you wanna play ping pong with me in the basement?

by Johnny Tonguein May 22, 2011

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ping pong enthusiast

the best of the best at ping pong. why don’t we music are all ping pong enthusiasts as well as full course meals

wow daniel seavey is quite the ping pong enthusiast

by @like_limelight November 30, 2017

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Ping Pong Enthusiasts

Used to describe the members of the pop band β€œWhy Don’t We”

The boys of why dont we are ping pong enthusiasts.

by com.jackavery November 29, 2017

Nigger Ping-Pong


Bill: Hey did you catch the basketball game last night?

Ron: No I don't watch nigger ping-pong.

by The Rebel Militia May 29, 2009

76πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

media ping-pong

When a member of the media asks someone a question, then that person tells the media to ask somebody else the same question.

Sports reporter #1: "Why did the manager bench you for three games?"

Baseball player: "Ask him."

Sports reporter #2: "That's media ping-pong."

by yes juanito yes July 27, 2014

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Extreme Ping Pong

Extreme Ping Pong (also known as freestyle table tennis). Is Ping Pong but extra points are given for extreme moves such as table handstands, dive shots, blindfolded playing, playing while on a trampoline, front flip serve, causing the ball to set alight, playing with no paddle, playing with two paddles etc.
Variations of the games exist such as XXXtreme Ping Pong (This one is played naked) and the most popular variation No Shots Barred, in No Shots Barred the rules are simple the serve must be a regular one but as long as the ball is bouncing its still in play, even if it leaves the table.

Alex: You ready to beat Dan at some Extreme Ping Pong 2v1.
Johnny: Yeh why not, lets make it a No Shots Barred match.
Alex: Ok Epic, let me just get the BDSM gear.
Johnny: :O WTF

by Nex Solo November 19, 2010

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Nigga Ping-Pong

(noun) a bad game of basketball. So when both teams are playing so bad they aren't making any baskets but instead just bouncing the ball back and forth up and down the court.

Michael: Hey how was the game?

Jordan: Terrible I felt like I was watching a game of nigga ping-pong

by beaneeboy January 28, 2011

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