Source Code

professor venomous

the hot purple scientist from OK K.O.

β€œProfessor Venomous! I like him cause he’s level -7, and because he’s purple!”

by helpimgonnaeatacookie June 6, 2020

Professor Chaos

Made Famous by South Park's Butters, Professor Chaos is arguably the most feared super villain of all time

Boy Howdy, Am i sure afraid of Professor chaos

by professorchaos1 November 22, 2010

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Professor oakin

When a mentor sends you on a journey so he can bang your single mother

Almight is straight up professor oakin deku

by Saugy_are_died March 11, 2020

Professor Genki

The most badass Human/Cat man of all saintsrowness. He has his own octopus launcher, man-apult, and stylish jumpsuit. He is the hosts of all hosts, and hostlyness. Let us prey, to our lord, Genki, professor Genki, exalted one.

"Hey man I just fist-bumped lord Professor Genki! Do you think some of his awesomeness will rub off onto me?"

" No way dude... He's to FREAKING AWESOME to let that happen..."

" Aww, you're right..."

by Professor Genki December 6, 2011

22πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Professor Oak

1. (Noun)

Professor Oak.

A rugged, elderly gentleman with gray hair and black eyebrows. Also a sexual tyrannosaurus, and a complete badass.

2. (Verb)

UNC To Professor Oak.

PPS Professor Oaking.

PST Professor Oaked.

PS Professor Oaks.

Background Information:
Professor Oak is a male scientist who studies Pokemon.
It is well-known that Professor Oak is not the slightest bit afraid to give his balls to little children.

Professor Oak sent Ash Kechum on a quest to collect every pokemon and complete a pokedex. Oak specifically kept a pokemon Ash would need to complete the pokedex. This happened mainly because Professor Oak wanted Ash out of the house so he could hook up with Ash's mom.

Professor Oak successfully stopped the JFK assassination from occurring by deflecting the magic bullet with a thrown pokeball. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

At any given time, Professor Oak has SIMULTANEOUS HOES. He frequents the Holiday Inn and participates in many hotel parties.

The movie "Collateral" (Starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx) is based upon the life and adventures of Professor Oak.

In the game "DOOM," the main character was modeled after a young Professor Oak (while he was in the United States Space Marines).

1. (Noun) My dad is such a Professor Oak. He cheats on Mom every day with several bitches whom he cares nothing about. When Mom tries to say something about it he strangles her... and right as she is about to faint he lets go and headbutts her in the forehead.

2. (Verb) Last night, after Lisa got good and wasted, I totally fuckin' Professor Oaked that bitch.

Are you alright?
Yeah... but I don't think the blood stains will ever come out of my shoes.

by Oo_Raab_oO September 30, 2009

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Professors Child

Refers to a human being (usually a young adult) that tries to act smart or smartly.

1 . Usually used as an in-direct dis to someone who breaks out

scientific or psychological conversation.

2. Also can be a dis to someone's appearance.

3. Not commonly used as a complement.

" Ross !? UhM, uh, For Maths I got, 400% ! Ge Gee Geography I got 95,98,92% !! And for English I got 100,100 and a hundred hundreds more!..." (Silence hits the class room and some random dude vaguely raps) Yes Man ! Professors Child !

by -Terriatzi- April 22, 2010

Video Professor

A nasty little tape worm that will suck the money out of you for the rest of your life if you allow him to infect you.

Video professor says that you can try his shitty product for free but fails to mention the fine print: the fine print states that you agree to be charged $80 to hundreds of dollars a month for other CD's and you may not even get the CD's.

The internet is filled with people who were deceived by this lying bag of shit and are either having hundreds of dollars a month being charged to their credit cards or having hundreds of dollars being taken out of their bank accounts with no way to stop it.

Customer service sucks and will make it almost impossible (if it is even possible) to stop the charges.


Wife: "Ah yes our monthly credit statements just came in the mail hun. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!"

Husband: "What's the matter?"

Wife: "we have been charged $180 dollars on our credit card! But we hardly even used it this month."

Husband: "Whats it for?"

Wife: "Video professor..."

Husband: "Those bastards. Im calling those assholes right now! (Dials video professor)"

Rep 1: "Hello this is Ron from Video Professor how may I help you?"

Husband: "Your company said the CD was free and yet we have been charged $180 and we didn't even order anything!"

Rep 1: "Please hold (transfers call)"

Rep 2: "Hello I am Hubbard how may I help you?"

Husband: "Your company said the CD was free and yet we have been charged $180 and we didn't even order anything!"

Rep 2: "Please hold (transfers call)"

Rep 3: "Hello I am Smith how may I help you?"

Husband: "Your shitty company said the CD was free and yet we have been charged $180 and we didn't even order anything! How many times am I going to explain this??! "

Rep 4: "Please hold (transfers call)"

Rep 5: "Hello I am Monson how may I help you?"


(Rep hangs up)

by FennecFox444 October 18, 2012

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