Source Code

Walking Pylon

A Call of Duty 4 MLG(Major League Gaming)player he use to play halo 3 but then started playing Call of Duty 4 and he is now MLG

Wow, did you see Walking Pylon last night? he Smoked Bozio! that was awesome!

by Walking Pylon ownz! July 8, 2009

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flesh pylon

any pedestrian that gets in the way of a bike messenger/courier or cyclist; whether pedestrian is crossing the street, on the sidewalk or on a hiker/biker trail.

"Dude that flesh pylon crossed the street without looking both ways so I had to nail him."

"I hit this flesh pylon on the sidewalk cuz I was scoping out this hottie on a bike."

by mobilemonkey May 23, 2010

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Artosis Pylon

Artosis Pylon: (n) A single pylon responsible for powering all production in a protoss base.

A video where you'll be able to watch Artosis pylon in action. youtube.com/watch?v=LqLJy9b6rXI

by nyk0 May 29, 2011

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Nylon Pylon

A very tall person clad in made made fabrics like polyester, viscose, or nylon.

'You seen the state of that?-she looks like a lamp post in a shell suit' 'Or a Nylon Pylon.'

by james hooha March 7, 2012

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butt pylon

this is when you get ramed in the ass by two guys at the same time creating a pylon shape or a gay conga line.

stephen garison and his homosexual lovers aswaldo and harriet have butt pylons

by smokie mcpot March 28, 2003

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don't buff my pylon

Prison slang for "switch over the telly".

I'm bored of this Eastenders omnibus! Don't buff my pylon, thank you.

by Peter O'Hanrahanrahan December 8, 2008

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you must construct additional pylons

This is possibly the most annoying phrase in the real-time-strategy game Starcraft.

The basic objective of Starcraft is to make a big army to destroy your opponent, however you have this army-size limit known as 'supply' that can only be increased by building a specific building, and for the alien faction 'protoss', that building is the pylon. So every 2-4 soldiers you build, you most build another pylon to sustain them. If you forget, a voice says "YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS", and at that point, you realise that you can't build any more guys until you send a worker to build the pylon, and then wait for the pylon to finish. Then, 4 soldiers later, you will have to build ANOTHER one.

What makes this phrase especially annoying is how often the guy says it if you forget to build them, because soldiers of the protoss race take up so much supply, and their pylons provide such little supply.

*tries to build a soldier*


by thecell98 January 21, 2015

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