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(v.) The act of swatting an important and/or fragile item from another persons grasp, particularly food, before forcing the owner to pick it up off the ground or otherwise clean-up the mess. The degree of success from "Wilsoning" is proportional to the amount of desire the owner had for the item.

"I totally wilsoned that ice cream right out of Dave's hand - I think I made him cry."

by WeinerBrigadier July 11, 2012

88๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


The art of fingering a female while she is on her period, then slapping your bloody hand on the females ass cheek. #castaway #tomhanks

Tammy was on her period, so I fingered the shit out of her and gave her the ole Wilson.

by Wildwood boys July 10, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


As a verb, it means "to fuck up"

As a noun, it means "a person who fucks up".

Originally from the second book in cyberpunk writer William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy, Count Zero (1986), "wilson" is first mentioned in the chapter titled Bobby Pulls A Wilson.

It is conveniently explained later in the book during a conversation between Bobby and The Finn in the chapter titled Legba, that reads as follows:

'The Finn looked at him, blankly. "A what?"

'"A wilson. A fuck-up. It's hotdogger talk, I guess..." Did it again. Shit.

'The Finn gave him a very strange look. "Jesus. That's your word for it, huh? Christ, I KNOW the guy..."


'"Bodine Wilson," he said. "First guy I ever knew wound up as a figure of speech."

'"Was he stupid?" Bobby asked, immediately regretting it.

'"Stupid? Shit, no, he was smart as hell." The Finn stubbed his ashtray out in a cracked ceramic Campari ashtray. "Just a total fuck-up, was all. He worked with the Dixie Flatline once..." The bloodshot yellow eyes grew distant.'

From Stephen Donaldson's book, Snow Crash:

'A number of the Kouriers are taking advantage of this sound track to style up and down the banks of the river; only Vitaly, live, can get their adrenaline pumping hard enough to enable them to skate a sharp bank at eighty miles per hour plus without doing a wilson into the crete.'

by rmrubin July 11, 2008

179๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž


Refers to someone who shits their pants

I almost Wilsoned myself after eating Taco Bell.

by theinformer September 22, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


last name of someone with superior fighting abilities and has an unbeliveable ability to get with the finest ladies to walk the earth

person 1: dude look at that guy over there he just punched on with 11 ninjas and won, and then all these hot girls stated smootching him

person 2: That guys last name must be wilson

by ladss August 20, 2009

74๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


When one craps in the DT room of a local school. Or defecating on young boys for fun and sexual pleasure.

Helen got caught Wilsoning on Oliver

by ste . p January 22, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of becoming sexually heightened whilst sniffing obnoxious smells, such as decomposing matter, rotting food, pig slurry, tannery waste, raw sewage effluent, pea juice, dodgy plum crumble, stilton, a clam etc all left in one container to fester. Getting off on a real stinker

A person who sniffs cocktails of waste samples all mixed together and left to brew in the sun for a period of time until it makes them want to vomit and inducing their ring to tighten is said to be Wilsoning. From the verb to Wilson.

by Wee Willie April 25, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž