Source Code


Stands for Tub of Lard.

Usually yelled as a sign of anger at the unusually shaped individual nearby.

"Sorry, there's a TOL to pass."


by Daniel 'Frozen' Pease March 29, 2014

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tol bean

The absolute most adorable thing in the world, this is like a smol bean but better

Boy 1: Marie is such a smol bean

Boy 2: No man she is a tol bean

by Matty watty April 10, 2016

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tol noddle

a tol noddle has exactly the same meaning as smol bean, except a tol noddle is tall and lanky. sometimes spelled tall noodle.

me: noah schnapp is such a smol bean, but finn wolfhard is a tol noddle.

by whatthefuckdidijustaccomplish March 28, 2018

tol beaner

1. much like tol bean, but more beany, and somehow toler.

"Ian, you're my tol beaner. The tolest bean," said Mila.

by recaoflower September 14, 2017

tol and smol

Defining Harry and Louis's appearance together because Harry is tol and Louis is smol and that’s just the way it is. May they last forever.

he’s just so smol that he fits perfectly in tols arms. Tol and smol.

by Thinkboutit April 7, 2018

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Short for "molly tolerance"

Man, I shouldn't take my vyvanse today because I totes am trying to avoid a heady mol-tol... I'm trying to get hella chew-face before Datsik tonight

by HeadyRtP April 28, 2011

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dude tol parechong sis bestie chum friend pal bestfriend old buddy


Wazzup dude tol parechong sis bestie chum friend pal bestfriend old buddy

Potek napakaspammer neto ban nyo nga

by Matcha_M March 4, 2021

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