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Traditional Arnis

Traditional Arnis – A Filipino martial art founded and formulated by Grandmaster Jonathan β€œJune” Makiling Abaya to uncover the complete science of Filipino Stick and Knife fighting system of self-defense.

I will be teaching you the art and science of Traditional Arnis.

by Teresita I. Biscaro April 12, 2008

253πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Guatamalen Tradition

When you buy a drink you are entitled to the first sip of your drink before any of your friends

"Let me get a sip of that drink"
"Let me get the guatamalen tradition finished with"

by Guafantano Jones June 15, 2007

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hoarse Tradition

When you give head so hard your voice is hoarse the next day.

β€œTiffany sounds sick today. I hope she’s alright!”
β€œIt’s Hoarse Tradition, she’ll be fine”

by imaspork003 November 26, 2020

traditional marriage

According to many Christians, traditional biblical marriage is between one man and one woman, any other forms of marriage are "wrong".

In reality, there are eight types of "traditional marriage", all of which are mentioned in the bible, none of which are criticized.

01. Man and Woman (Nuclear) {Genesis 2:24}.
02. Man and Brother's Widow (Levirate) {Genesis 38:6-10} (A widow who had not given birth to a son was required to marry her brother in law. Wife was expected to submit sexually.)
03. Man, Wives, and Concubine (King Solomon, who had 300 wives, many were concubines)
04. Rapist and Victim {Deuteronomy 22:28-29} (a virgin who was raped must marry her rapist, and the rapist had to pay 50 shekels of silver for property loss.)
05. Man, Woman, and Woman's property {Genesis 16} (if a woman owns female slaves, they become husbands wives.)
06. Male Soldier and Prisoner of War {Numbers 31:1-18, Deuteronomy 21:11-14} (Under the command of Moses, Israelis killed everyone but virgin girls, who were taken as spoils of war. Wives were expected to submit sexually.)

07. Man and Multiple Women (Polygamy)
08. Male Slave and Female Slave {Exodus 21:4} (Owner could assign a wife to each of his male slaves. Wives were expected to submit sexually.)

Person 1: Gays should not be able to be married, it's against the Bible, the Bible says marriage is only between one man and one woman, it's wrong.

Person 2: Actually, in a traditional marriage, a woman has to marry her rapist, and Polygamy is not frowned upon, and during war, men could take virgins and force marriage on them. That's alright, but letting two people who love each other marry each other is not?

by MiSpoonIs2Big September 15, 2012

50πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Traditional man

A stable and wholesome man, who follows traditions and is always a gentleman in every situation.

"Hey, have you seen that traditional man over there?"
"Yeah, I'd like him to ask me to the dance!"

by tmseekers November 15, 2018

Family Tradition

When my family member feels one brewing they ask someone to pull their finger.

After a heaping helping of Jeremiah's wild mountain dogs and beans we participate in the family tradition.

by gbfgbfgbf September 28, 2019

traditional family

Family who stays together prays together,

Family who has meal times together
The father works outside the home, mother is home caring for the children, cooking, cleaning, bills, and etc.

Children are taught with morals
with strong work ethic,

That (traditional family) who just moved down the street are always working hard to please their family.

by hannahgirl October 26, 2009

43πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž