Source Code


when one or more females take part in the act of playing the game twister naked, while 4 or more males violently masturbate over one anothers mobile phones

i cant wait to go treacle-blowing tonight with bill and phil

by stevied23 January 22, 2009

treacle Turd

when you eat so much treacle, or honey that your turd turns stringy.

oh dude i just had a shit, it was like tring coming out my ass, talk about painful and gross". "Ahh dude, sounds like a treacle turd

by DinoRawwr February 19, 2011

Treacle Town


by Stan Grytviken April 1, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

treacle scone

A small and often strange creature, the treacle scone is found lurking mostly in the city of Glasgow. A strong part of a treacle scone's existence is smoking cannabis and chillaxin with the reefa man dem.

Treacle scone? More like laura fucking meiklejohn.

by Sir Sconesalot March 31, 2008

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Treacle Vent

The Anus Hole

I smashed in the wife's Treacle Vent last night

by Ollie ABAMP March 7, 2014

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Walking Through Treacle

Describing the thickness of the air after someone stepped on a duck and quacked

I was walking down the corridor and Paul farted a few metres infront of me, it was like walking through treacle

by ShavenLunatic October 29, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Treacle tart

A women who appears to be a sweethearted, trustworthy, caring individual in public to people outside her circle of friends, relatives as well as relationships, including co-workers, but is actually supercilious in nature casting harsh and content insults often in fits of selfish rage. Based on a tart made from black treacle, a darker molasses, that has a distinctively strong, slightly bitter flavor that is disgusting if sampled from the jar.

"My sister is a total treacle tart." warned Joe to his friend Dan when his sister started to hit on him.

by D_WM July 14, 2016