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Trumping it up

When you want to make something great again.

This year we are going to be great agian by trumping it up.

by Jasonknowsbitches August 21, 2016

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Trump it up

To Fuck something up, but you have no idea that you are fucking it up.

"There is a dinosaur in my lounge. am sure hes gonna Trump it up."
"Those soldiers in that tank just trumped up that girls bicycle"

by grim orwell December 13, 2015

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donald trump sit ups

Verb: To flop over in an unceremonious manner usually after consuming massive amounts of fast food.

Upon consuming two large pizzas, about all Bill had the energy for were some lazy donald trump sit ups.

by BostonRarr August 5, 2023

you done trumped up

When making an idiotic and possibly drunken statement like "I'll run for president!" that ends up biting you in the ass

Guy 1: "I promised my girlfriend that the next time I was hungover on a Tuesday, I'd do the dishes for a week"
Guy 2: "Well tonight is Monday so I guess you done trumped up"

by UT+Per7 January 15, 2017

You done trumped up

A sub-definition of you done fucked up

When making a drunken statement like "I'll run for president!" and your drinking buddies initially support you because you promise them stupid things like: "Then Rex, you'd be my Secretary of State"

In the odd case your initial statement becomes reality and you have an unwanted presidency waiting for you then YOU DONE TRUMPED UP.

Guy 1: "I promised my girlfriend that the next time I was hungover on a Tuesday, I'd do the dishes for a week"
Guy 2: "Well tonight is Monday so I guess you done trumped up"

by UT+Per7 January 8, 2017

you done trumped up


A specification of you done fucked up

When making an idiotic and possibly drunken statement like "I'll run for president!" that ends up biting you in the ass

Guy 1: "I promised my girlfriend that the next time I was hungover on a Tuesday, I'd do the dishes for a week"
Guy 2: "Well tonight is Monday so I guess you done trumped up"

by UT+Per7 January 27, 2017

Come up trumps

Dig someone out of a hole, or do something that turns the tide and turns the situation into a success, particularly at the last minute and when unexpected, with all hope lost.
Same as come through for someone in the clutch, only an older phrase, and more precise, better conveying the sense of "in the nick of time", and "unexpected".

Look at it like this- played out action movie scenario: there are three guys fighting. 2 vs 1. One of them gets knocked out cold, and then the guy that knocked him out pulls out a gun and is about to finish off the other guy. Just when he is about to pull the trigger and send him to kingdom come, he gets hit in the head/ shot in the back etc by someone, and we see that someone is the guy who was out cold.

He came up trumps.

My old junker broke down and left me stranded in the middle of nowhere, but this guy came up trumps and gave me a ride.
#come up trumps

This bully started pushing me around, but Daniel came up trumps just when I was about to get my ass kicked big time, and took him down a few pegs.

by Barzagli September 22, 2017