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Tulsa Lollipop

After giving your partner a pink sock, you proceed to lick and/or suck on it.

"Dude, why are you puking everywhere?"

"Because that sick bastard Gerald just told me about getting a Tulsa Lollipop last night!"

by John Wallen February 5, 2009

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

University of Tulsa

The best damn university in the mid-west! Basically the Harvard of the mid-west! It dominates state schools and many other private schools. We have the happiest students in the country!!!

Derek: Do you have fun at school/get a really good education?

Morgan: DUHHHH!!!! I go to the University of Tulsa!!!

Garrett: Yea, the University of Tulsa is technically the best university in the country...

Doug: You can come to my room to party!

by Jacob 1427 January 25, 2009

60πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Tulsa Rally

A Trump-centered event in Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 20, 2020.

In the midst of an uncontrolled pandemic, in a city with rising rates of infection, Trump has demanded attendees crowd indoors, against all available wisdom, and will force them to sign a waiver, exempting him, if as a result they contract coronavirus.

With the Tulsa Rally being held during the Juneteenth holiday, a moment of national reflection over the country’s racist history, and assuming the inevitability of protests for the Black Lives Matter cause, which indeed may be held peacefully and with dignity, Trump warned; β€œAny protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis."

by Monkey's Dad June 19, 2020

north Tulsa

Any area in the city of Tulsa that lays north of Admiral, the dividing NS line. The shittiest part of town most of the time, with the most crime, but still not bad. For some reason rich people are afraid to go to North Tulsa because they think something bad will happen, but I live in North Tulsa and have no real problems that you wouldn't have anywhere else. The key for anyone anytime anywhere is to stay out of other peoples business and no one has a problem with you.

North Tulsa has more culture than any other side of town!

White person from Jenks : Don't go to North Tulsa you'll get shot!

Other person: Your fuckin pathetic. I'd love to see you go to Cali or Detroit you'd piss yourself

by fuckyou82 October 29, 2006

38πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

tulsa bagpipe

The act of farting while receiving a blowjob

Uno: bruh ol neck game is viscous
Zo: word?

Uno: bitch made me TBP'd (Tulsa bagpipe)

by Immortal Hungry 1 April 26, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tulsa Turnaround

A Historical practice apparently Native to Omaha and professional "Monkey butts" A possibly sexual practice in which a Omaha honey steps on your toes whilst simultaneously turning you on. You'll know a Tulsa Turnaround has occurred when you feel like a hand in the glove and you have been shown how to love...Y'all.

"That Monkey butt showed me the Tulsa Turnaround , She s so hot! I Feel like a hand in a glove!. I think it's Love...Y'all."

by Billy wickets March 30, 2017

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Tulsa, Oklahoma

large city in northeast oklahoma, it is not a hick state that it is stereotyped to be other states have even worse hicks that we do have here. basically tulsa is a nice place a bit unregulated in some ways a bit racist in subtle ways but is nice place to live dependin on where you live. Eastside is ghetto and mostly hispanic and asian( lots of gangs here ex. asian crip and southside 13) westside is mostly hispanic and white and ghetto in some areas mostly the places closest to eastside ( you'll find gangs like Latin Kings or Westside Criminals) northside is very ghetto and mostly black( find gangs like Hoover, crips, and bloods) southside is white and very very priviliged safe ass place in tulsa.

nigga where u from?

Tulsa, Oklahoma Eastside 21st Asian Crip Cuz!!!!

by Asian Crip 357 September 12, 2009

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