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A word used by people who think little problems are the end of the world

White girl 1:Ugh my dad got me a red bugatti

White girl 2:ugh my dad got me a blue lambo

by Guggjcjgjviigvigjfjgj July 30, 2015

48πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

the "UGH"

A distinct feeling towards a white male. A higher percentage of asians partake in the ugh. It seems to be a common approach by the asian female. Usually results in a creation of various nicknames for the 'ugh' of interest. These nicknames will most likely have nothing to do with the person either. Feelings toward the person can last anywhere from 1-4 weeks.

M.Ba (asian)- whoa, did you just see that new teacher?! his bone structure was so fucking hot.
majjj (best friend)- Omg, you so have the "ugh" for him.
Asian- right?! nickname asap.
majjj- okay. how about "honeycombs"?
Asian- perfect. hmm I wonder if honeycombs has a girlfriend...
majjj&Asian- "AHHH Suki Suki!"

by M.Ba January 19, 2009

20πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


When you really don’t want to do something.

Mum: Wash the dishes.
Me: Ugh

by Tightasshoooole August 6, 2018


adj. used to describe a feeling/state of ugh.
related words crap, lousy, rotten, miserable

It is not used in a sentence. Ughness is a state of being. When you dislike something; disagree with something; feel lousy --> you/that entity is said to be ugh.

ie// It was raining and my hair is frizzy, ughness.

by Saba :D November 25, 2007


when you feel like UGHHHHH

we were so ughed at the white people.

by coolchikinnuget45 March 26, 2020

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An unnecessary word used by whiney girls to help point out how upset they are. Generally used on in texts and on the internet.

God I hate tuesdays! Class from 8-5, ugh....

by thugabread March 17, 2010

65πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


you know the feeling when you just had it all and you can only reply with an ugh


by emxxnzy October 5, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž