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upper peninsula

the most-ignored location on the map

"hey, michigan is shaped like a hand!"

by cardenio February 5, 2005

226πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Upper Merion

A shithole place. This place has a poverty, property crime rate, and crime rate overall, increasing each year. The schools are only good for academics but most of the classes are hardly taught, because of the kids behavior.

Man 1 β€œ Bro aren’t you from Lower Merion?”
Man 2 β€œ No Upper Merion.”
Man 1 β€œ Ew”

by JVon543 September 24, 2019

Fucker Upper

A person who is known to be a failiure at small tasks, who decides to take on a bigger task and fails to complete it as well.

Fred you fucker upper, get your ass over here !!

by Vinchenzo Salvator February 25, 2015

Fixer Upper

Something that is dire need of repair, but is more of a hobby to fix rather then a job.

"This house is a real Fixer Upper."

by DJ April 26, 2005

158πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Upper Merion

Also called UM, Upper Merion has gotten better over the years BUT. This year it is increasing by a lot. The schools arent too good either. There are 4 elementary schools, Caley, Candlebrook, Bridgeport, and Roberts. One middle school and one high school. Many adults want to move away from UM because of the bad influence of kids, the bad neighborhoods. Upper Merion lies about 20 mins away from Philly. It is in between philly and a small depressed community named Pottstown. There is a high drug trafficking, property crime rate, and the violent crime zoomed up this year. Prince Frederick St is in a neighborhood called Brandywine Village, not the best street and Brandywine isn’t the best neighborhood. You got Sweet Briar the area around Six Eleven and Angelos. Not the best place either. Mostly all the neighborhoods are crime ridden, drug ridden and MORE. Although on the bright side there downtown{ is becoming urban each year with a high development rate. Just know where to stay out of in Upper Merion. And be home before dark because...

Person 1:β€œ Don’t be fooled by the fast pace developing Upper Merion town center.”

Person 2: β€œ Yea it ain’t all good here.”

by JVon543 October 4, 2019

upper valley

a small pocket of NH and VT that's quite lovely, but also the most difficult place to get laid, possibly in the entire world. except for monasteries.

even when I had a boyfriend while living in the upper valley, I wasn't getting laid. since I became single a year ago, it's been tough finding a fuck buddy, despite my lowered standards.

by lazerlover January 17, 2012

upper deck

v. The leaving of fecal matter in the tank of ones toilet, turning the water brown. Primarily done as revenge or a drunken practical joke, but sometimes in an emergency when the bowl is clogged.

n. The shit that is left in tank during such an act.

I got so wasted last night I upper decked Sean, his bathroom is going to stink for weeks.

by Lama March 8, 2003

849πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž