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Nobellium Uranium

Quite often used to counter a mom gae (or similar)
This is the most ultimate version of NO U, after this it moves on to uno cards
OR Gru reverse memes
Only smarty bois can use this

"Mom Gay" "NO U" "Nobellium Uranium"

by MeAnIntellectual124 July 4, 2018

Uranium Goggles

When one places there testicles on a sleeping friends eyes and then wakes them up.

Quick Fred is asleep give him the uranium goggles for when he wakes up.

by PigDog69er December 11, 2011

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Screaming Uranium

A misinformed unbelievable occurance or detail in a film that is so removed from fact that it literally shocks the viewer into suspended belief.

Taken from the film "Kiss Me Deadly" of the 1950's featuring a box of Uranium, that screamed. Showing that the populous of the time obviously had no grasp on this new amazing (and obviously harrowing) nuclear advancement.

-Bull****! How did Nicholas Cage just inject himself in the heart with something and live through the nerve agent?
-Screaming Uranium.

by Parakeet Joe January 30, 2006

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uranium fever

When you're falling for someone you shouldn't have any interest in at all. You liking them is toxic to you but you can't help it.

I know me and my ex are better off apart but I can't help but feel like I want her back... I have uranium fever for her bad...

by Dickybitch January 1, 2016

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Cassie's Uranium

A reliable and completely legal multi-million dollar uranium business. Cheap prices and high-quality metal for all!

I recently bought some uranium from Cassie's Uranium.

by ahhahahaah May 5, 2022

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Nitrogen Oxygen Uranium

Acronym for no u, a comeback used in response to โ€œur mom gayโ€. This will shut down any argument with ease.

Jimmy: ur mom gay

by ItsYaBoiJohnny March 16, 2018

fluorine uranium carbon potassium yttrium oxygen uranium

a clever way of spelling 'fuck you' only big brain people understand. gets past the roblox chat filter.

fluorine = F
uranium = U
carbon = C
potassium = K

yttrium = Y
oxygen = O
uranium = U

fluorine uranium carbon potassium yttrium oxygen uranium!

by therealloganpaul August 5, 2019

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