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Patte du Var

A artistic sculpture in which one or more of the models breasts are bare/showing. Often time these sculptures are made entirely for the personal pleasure of the artist, however in today's times these seemingly useless displays of eroticism and extortion of the female body go for quite large sums on the black markets of England, America, and the Honduras.

Also reffered to as a "titty sculpture".

I was watching Antiques Roadshow today, some lady got a Patte du Var appraised for $ 15000! It was such a titty sculpture!.

by duhguyuwishwashur May 5, 2009

Det var Assbørn

A sentence used to describe when Asbjørn did something, usually related to something bad

person 1: "Okay who took a shit on the dog?"

person 2:"Det var Assbørn"

by yeppermand May 24, 2021

goose far var

A phrase bringing tranquilty and serenity to an angry mind.

Used by Jack Nicholson:


Wife: "Honey I just wrecked the Porche!!"


Wife:"C'mon baby, goose far var"

Husband:"Geez... I'm better now!"

by Kenny Chapman, Tim Sibley May 31, 2006

4👍 3👎

Var som Tommie Lindh

Tommie Lindh var en 19 årig kille som dog efter att han försöktedda sin kvinnliga kompis från att bli våldtagen av en invandrare.

Att vara som Tommie Lindh betyder att man offrar allt för att rädda sina nära och kära från något.

Vän 1: Hörde du att Linus hamnade på sjukhus, han sägs ha hamnat där efter ett bråk.
Vän 2: Ja han var som Tommie Lindh, han försöktedda sin lillebror från att bli rånad och offrade allt för sin lillebror.

by EnSvenskNationalist August 7, 2020

vic var snar blarbs

This phrase says what it means, and means what it says. It can be used in place of anything really, usually a phrase, but can be used in place of a word. Also good for when one wants to use a more colorful word or phrase but is in mixed company.

Jack: I love you, Sally.
Sally: Vic var snar blarbs.

Vic var snar blarbs! That was a hard test!

by The Word Gypsy December 14, 2017

2👍 1👎

munglebump (var. = bunglemump)

1. (n.) A cute animal
2. (n.) The sound made (hypothetically) by any such cute animal.

"Bunglemump" sniffed the puppy abjectly.

by anycon June 23, 2003

1👍 7👎

Au mas cota cudad var

This sentence stems from a popular slang that is used by Georgians. (usually referred as Russians.)

A condition when a person is saying "I am Ill" even though they are not. this sentence is used as a "getaway" in a situation where a person is too lazy or too sleepy to be active on a lesson. a direct translation of this sentence is "Teacher, I am kind of ill."

-Mate, ra xdeba?
-Au mas cota cudad var.

by DramashviliDefinitions March 31, 2022