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A crude and derogatory slang term for a woman's vagina, often used by individuals degrading others or speaking inappropriately about female anatomy.

Don't waste your time with her, bro; she probably has a crusty va-jay-jay that you wouldn't want anywhere near you.

by HappyCleaner82 June 3, 2023

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Untamed Va Jay Jay

When a girl lets her pubic hair grow out and has a giant bush there. It's popular among many girls.

Alex Haley- ''Yo I heard she had an untamed va jay jay''
Cory- ''Yea man its mad hairy''
Alex Haley- ''Good thats the way I like them

by Catspajamas123 January 17, 2011

Va-jay-jay Sweater

A hairy pussy, usually one that is thick and matted over like those heavy holiday sweaters with tangled pubes like theyโ€™ve been woven by Amish elves. Yeah, imagine trying to fuck that!

Dolph: Damn, bro. I just had my hand down Frita's pants!

Gregor: Score, dude!

Dolph: Not so fast, Holmes. I couldn't even get my fingers in her pussy.

Gregor: Seriously? Was she fightin' it?

Dolph: Naw, man. Her hair down there was impenetrable.

Gregor: Whoa.

Dolph: Yeah, bud. It was like she had a va-jay-jay sweater

by theinstigator October 18, 2016

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oprah's va jay jay

N. Term coined by Oprah herself on her show but made famous by Joel McHale on "The Soup." Refers to the slang term Oprah uses for her own genitalia. The term can be used to refer to the ballsiness of female executives, or to Oprah's actual vagina.
Synonyms: "Mingey" (as seen on the classic episode of South Park called "A Million Little Fibers" which parodied Oprah's crotch and ass.)

1. Jen: "You think you can make partner at your law firm, Shakronda?"
Shakronda: "Hell, yes ... my brilliant briefs and my Oprah's va jay jay will take me right to the top!"

2. Oprah (swinging on a bungee chord harness) "My va jay jay is painin' !! "

by Skip O'Potamus October 30, 2007

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Va Jay Jay Fest

The opposite of a sausage fest

โ€œHey, va jay jay fest isnโ€™t a thing.โ€
โ€œMaybe they should make it a thingโ€

by BadGroudon November 15, 2020

Va-Jay-Jay poison

The poison that comes from the Vagina, not an STD, sometimes deadly.

man 1: Dude You heard olivia gave Bobby the Va-Jay-Jay poison.
man 2: yea man he almost died.

by Olivia p. March 18, 2008

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purple va jay jay

The color of a va jay jay that an African American (Nigga, Nigger) sometimes has.

Bill:"Hey Sheniqua, thats a big purple va jay jay!"
Sheniqua:"Bitch I keeps it real nigga!"

by austinator March 23, 2008

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