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Duja Ve

The moment a memory is entering one's brain that will, sometime in one's future, be remembered and repeated resulting in Deja Vu.

Billy went to school one day and saw something strange. He forgot all about it the next day. Ten years later he saw it again and said, "Man. I just got Deja Vu." Little did he know that this moment was foretold since the time he first had Duja Ve when he saw the strange object ten years before.

by Jared January 19, 2005

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ve day

Victory in Europe Day, generally known as V-E Day, VE Day, or simply V Day was the public holiday celebrated on 8 May 1945 (7 May in Commonwealth realms) to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces. It thus marked the end of World War II in Europe.

Person 1: Dude, are going to the VE Day parade?
Person 2: No, what's that?

Person 1: The day when the Nazis surrendered and the war ended in Europe.

by Gen. George S. Patton May 4, 2015

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Ve Challe

Ve Challe is the act to rape or molest

I ve challed that girl last night

by The White eye cyclops January 23, 2020

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Ves you

A medium strength insult, popular among sky writers in Florida

You want an example? Ves you.

by Alan the Great February 1, 2007

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Paukhdi Ve Jedo


It is the third time now when you are making the same mistake. Paukhdi ve jedo..!

by Bhoor Singh Soni September 28, 2020

Okay den ve go

: β€œOkay then we go” This is said in a foreign accent, a hungarian girl invented it and her whole achool started using this accent to piss their teachers off.

Person : β€œur not allowed to be here”
Szonja: β€œOkay den ve go”

by SommerRayyy April 1, 2019


When you wanna hi-5 somebody who is to far away, you do so on a Wi-Fi(ve) signal.

Dervied from the words Wi-Fi and Hi-5.

"Great shot man"
(Too Far)
"Thanks man, Wi-Fi(ve)"

by snake_eyez October 15, 2008

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