Source Code

jen ventura

a very pretty girl. she always has guys in love with her. they are just too nervous to tell her. she falls in love, a lot. everyone falls for her. she is a very likable person. she is funny, cute, and extremely nice. she also feels alone, so just go up to her and give her a big hug! she will fall in marry a guy named david, sean, or vincent. so look out for them! overall, she is a great person!

oh, look! it's jen ventura! the girl with the amazing personality.

by hott stuffff May 30, 2011

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Ace Ventura

An unfortunate situation for when you go to visit a girl and think you're onto a sure thing. You're then bitterly disappointed to be informed that 'When (mother) nature calls' and its the wrong time of the month.

Guy 1: so how'd it go with that girl last weekend?!

Guy 2: mate. Absolutely Ace Ventura'd...

Guy 1: *moment of silence*

by boyhardy March 17, 2014

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Ventura Surfer

Surfers from ventura who think they are cool because they can surf 3 foot waves

dude, that fag's such a ventura surfer. He would die in costa rica

by Jackasss December 28, 2007

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Ace Ventura

A crazy ass vato who dealz with nature and its animals, known to be shitting the stick everywhere.

Oh my god! Did Ace Ventura eat that piece of shit on the floor?????

by Jex Bonepartz August 6, 2006

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Las Venturas Elvis

In the city of Las Venturas (based on Las Vegas) from the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, three guys can be seen walking the streets dressed in Elvis Presley style Vegas jumpsuits. One in a white jumpsuit, another in a blue jump suit and the other Elvis wears a green jumpsuit. Can be heard making amusing comments.

White suit Elvis: "Dont you know I'm the King?"

Blue suit Elvis: "Do ya ever feel like you're not yourself?"

White suit Elvis: "You make yourself look foolish!"

by Dont you know I'm the King? July 14, 2005

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Ventura County Sheriff

Fat lazy cops who are bored 99% of the time and have nothing better to do than to run around busting teenagers for smoking pot. When it comes to real police work count them out.... They're only interested in things that require minimal or no work on their part. This is caused by the above stated symptoms they show of being fat and lazy and as long as they have their way will continue to do absolutely nothing but harass and arrest the youth of Ventura County for pointless shit.

Ventura County Sheriffs suck

by sheisaterror September 19, 2008

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Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

A show revolving around possible government conspiracies, with Jesse Ventura.
And it's the worst comedy show out there.

Jesse Ventura shows how utterly ignorant he is on this show. One minute he's asking questions over and over again to scrawny researchers, and when they answer his question he gives the half assed excuse of "Not allowing him to speak." Jesse's extremely serious "cool-guy persona" is incredibly bleak and blunt.

Jesse believes that the government is responsible for everything, and you'll be damned if you believe otherwise. He actually believes that the John Lennon murder was a conspiracy, 9/11 conspiracy, fuck, even Area 51. AREA MOTHERFUCKING 51. He'd believe anything that you tell him if it involves the government covering it up. I can't wait for him to do a piece on Maddox's "Unfastened Coins: The Titanic Conspiracy" satirical parody on Loose Change.

The biggest fault in all of this is his logic. His logic is along the lines of "Oh, the government did it, but they covered up any proofs!" Good point, fucktard, but guess what: If you claim that this definition of you was really mandated by the government and they covered up any proof of it, I CANNOT argue otherwise. Even if I did come to you face to face.

Did you see Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura today?

Yeah, he totally proved that the Titanic sinking was a conspiracy!

by GodBoognishSatan November 20, 2010

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