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A person who is on the verge of becoming a Vegan but hasn't come to terms with it.

Love of a good steak versus the horrors witnessed in meat processing plant videos has created a "Verge" scenario. One more video may push the Verge-Vegan to becoming a full on Vegan.

Waiter-"What can I get for you"
"I'd love the filet but I'm a Verge-Vegan so gimme another minute please."

by TwistyGurl April 23, 2020

on the verge of vagina

when a man who you thought was manly does something very feminine. this, in turn, causes you to view him as on the line of being female.

dude 1: dude, steve wore a pink shirt, tight jeans and mocs today
dude 2: oh dude, on the verge of vagina.
dude 1: humanity will perish.

by Timmy G. January 16, 2012

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On the verge of life

A feeling one gets when someone is coming towards a turning point in their existence, giving them a true perspective of the beauty of life. It is the opposite of the phrase, โ€œon the verge of dying.โ€

I didnโ€™t know one TikTok could change my way of thinking about this world. Iโ€™m currently on the verge of life.

by Abalt January 21, 2023

Carter Verge

A really fat guy, who stinks, is usually a virgin most of his life but has intercourse with his sister/mom at an older age just so he can lose it.

Person one: that fat dude stinks like shit.
Person two: that guy must be a carter verge, what a stanker. He probably fucked his mom.

by Stanky_verge October 28, 2019

de Verges

an amzing group of family

bammm that de verges is awesome

by Be who you are November 25, 2021

Verge Emerge

The act of appearing, suddenly and unexpectedly, from behind a bush while shouting "Verge Emerge". Usually to scare a passer by or friend.

Seen as the opposite to Bush Push

Dude!. I was walking to uni today and someone totally pulled a verge emerge on me.

by The Sitdownasaurus April 15, 2011

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Verge Out

To deviate from the norm.

I'm going to verge out and wear white pants after Labor Day.

by Little One 12 April 27, 2009