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Vertical Newton

Vertical Newton is an interesting sort of sex position in which both members are upside down, while the penis is inside the other partner's ear. Sounds surprising, but in the heat of the moment, many women find it very sensual.

"I just got my vertical newton on last night!"

by Chacha311 January 14, 2009

vertical smile

A woman's Vagina. Called a smile since there are two labia or lips just like a face.

I'd like to kiss that vertical smile any time.

by wickers February 13, 2008

374๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vertical anus

When an anus is used so much hole becomes vertical. The asshole will resemble a coffee bean as it will normally be darkened and swollen if its vertical.

Dan: "You won't believe how good his ass was!"
Adam: "what? Was it a vertical anus?"

by Wowwastaken May 1, 2019

46๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

vertical stripe

Air Force slang for the vagina. One vertical stripe outranks all horizontal stripes.

You may have four stripes, but she's got tits and the vertical stripe, so she outranks you.

by AngryAirman September 23, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vertical peasant

Somebody who holds their phone vertically while recording a video which should have been recorded horizontally.

That vertical peasant there is missing half the action.

by MrGoatsy November 24, 2019

Vertical Degradation

Inventing something for someone to feel insecure about so you can sell them the solution to the problem.

Self-esteem is killing our bottom line for beauty products. We need to implement a vertical degradation strategy.

by TehDrake April 15, 2011

vertically challenged

A short person

I'm not short i'm vertically challenged

by amypercy April 13, 2020