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Swine Vocals

The vocal effect produced by a person that sounds like a pig squealing or the noise a pig makes when snorging. This style of screaming is popular in Metal.

Used in a sentence.....

"Those swine vocals were fucking brutal!"

Listen to the song All Roads Lead to Hell by Hester Prynne on youtube to hear some Swine Vocals
The Swine starts around 0:28

by SwineFLUpandemic November 10, 2009

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vocal weight

In opera, vocal weight is a term used to describe how "light" or how "heavy" that a voice is and by extension what kind of roles that it is suited to.

Lighter voices are associated with lyric voices while heavier voices are associated with dramatic voices; lyric voices are usually brighter, sweeter, and more agile while dramatic voices are usually powerful, rich, and darker than their lyric counterparts.

Spinto voices, usually limited to tenors and sopranos, are a kind of bridge between lyric and dramatic voices, "light heavyweights" in a manner of speaking.

Vocal weight may or may not be obvious immediately; a singer needs a number of opinions before any determination is reached. Vocal weight is also a strong mark of who gets to sing what in opera. Lyric voices usually play more vulnerable characters while dramatic voices usually play bold, strong characters.

Lyric voices are strong, but they're light; they don't like to sing very loudly very often and often sound forced when they do so. Lyric voices are designed for smooth, sweet singing, agile passages and clear diction.

Dramatic voices are bigger and heavier than lyric voices and their power makes them more difficult to maneuver through flowery coloratura passages, but dramatic voices are designed to sing loudly; they can sing over a large orchestra more easily than lyric voices can and are filled with emotion in addition to power.

Spinto voices are light but powerful and are essentially lyric voices with a strong dramatic edge (squillo, or "ping"), which allows them to cut through a full orchestra (rather than sing over it like a true dramatic voice).

by Lorelili July 9, 2011

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Clean vocals

Also called "cleans". Used mostly in the metalcore and post-hardcore community to describe regular singing, as some artists/bands in these genres often use screamed/growled vocals alongside regular singing.

"This band has pretty average screams, but the clean vocals are pretty good"
"The singer has really bad cleans"

by ChippyChipper June 19, 2019

switching vocals

Switching vocals; a sub-category within the nightcore genre that is more complex than regular nightcore. It consists of a different person than that of the original song singing it, and then being edited into nightcore. It's a very unique style that puts a very different twist to the original song itself.

Person 1: Isn't this song sung by only one person, a female?
Person 2: well originally yes, but this song is in switching vocals style, so now a male is singing it in a nightcore style.

by NightcoreZaddy October 15, 2018

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Crunchy vocals

A voice that's raspy but also sweet.

Go Won's crunchy vocals (LOONA)

by orbitfighting October 26, 2020

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vocal gymnastics

A style of singing in current popular music, specifically R&B, where the singer incorporates a lot of "runs" and extra notes to showcase their vocal abilities, resulting in the singer looking like he/she is trying too hard to sound super-talented. Often accompanied by dramatic hand movements in synch with the notes being sung.

The version of "Lady Marmalade" sung by Christina Aguilera, Pink, Mya, etc. is nothing but a bunch of vocal gymnastics.

by Jo-chan February 4, 2005

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Vocal cum

When you let everything you want to say all out at once

When caitlin is very annoyed she has vocal cum

by Bigmankarl69 May 15, 2020