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The type of person who loves a Luisa.
A lot.

Walker's friend: look at luisa!
Walker: *punches him* She's mine.

by William Cardozo June 1, 2018


A person that likes pussy.

You are such a sussy walker.

by Walker_5507 July 29, 2021


The definition of a murder scene , absolutely mental place in the North East, mostly known to be a very very rough place , also known for fights and crime , Fearless and tough , Walker Mad Dogs ,

Place: Walker , Newcastle Upon Tyne , Ne6 , Located in The UK

walker is full of radgies

by UrbanDictonary.. January 28, 2018


That amazing, cute, funny, smart guy you are head over heels for who thinks you're just friends and you want to tell him you like him but you don't want to ruin your friendship.

I just wish he wasn't such a Walker. I wish we could be more than friends.

by Calicocat27 November 16, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Walker is a big ass hoe that thinks he is so cool at every thing

My x girls friend is a walker

by Jimmy 57884 March 1, 2017

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You are not a milf, you are barley 20 years old, you're a slut with a baby, who clearly has no class by letting losers dump one off in you.

She is a walker

by walkinroundinwomensunderwear July 11, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


a covert way used by some caucasions to define blacks or africans becuase they tend to always be walking in random places, along roads, in the bush in Africa, etc.

There seem to be a lot of walkers in this neighborhood.

by John Q Customer May 22, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž