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This term is used to refer to canoeing that is unusually onerous and complicated due to any number of challenges such as strainers, shallow water, or too many portages. It is derived from the intense canoe passage traveled by and named for the Wampanoag Nation in Massachusetts.

Upon returning to civilization with a leech dangling from his ankle, dozens of mosquito bites and blood stained clothes, Sam's friends asked if he had just gone canoeing. "No, my friends, not canoeing. I have been wamping."

by flamingwhisper May 31, 2010

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The act of being pulled over and/or sub-sequentially being arrested the Police or other lawful authorities. Very common term in Nashville,TN..which is not as country as the nation thinks.

William: Where were you? You're 30 minutes late!
Kyron: I was on my way and got wamped by the boys.

John: My license is suspended
Justin: What happened?
John: I was speeding and I got wamped for the fifth time.

by Juteaux May 17, 2012


wamp is an ill-defined term that is open to interpretation. you may think β€œdamp” or β€œvamp” when you see it. it can also be a verb in any context

Oprah look good enough to wamp
Let’s play wamp

by poor unforture wamp March 29, 2019


being savagely or devastatingly killed in a repetitive manner during an online game of Call of Duty.

See "Wamping" for the definition of being the individual who dishes out the wamped action

Player 1 "What happened last game man?"
Player 2 "Idk, I always get wamped in Team Deathmatch."

That kid wamped me with a crossbow bolt.

by BrewinPheeners January 10, 2011

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


to get completely man-handled by a gnarly wave; to get pitted beyond belief; to wipeout.

is usually followed by the hang-loose symbol to gain back all lossed surfer pride and to show one's surfer brahs that he/she can still shred the nar.

"yo brah, I totally got wamped by that killer wave."

"I dropped into this gnarly wave but got wamped after realizing it was a killer close out."

by Kevin "the Cavemann" August 29, 2008

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a). wamp is when something is huge
b). this normally implies that its butters
c). it is often used in the description of penis

1. my knob is so fucking wamp that when i shoved it up that hoes pussy she was bleeding for weeks.

2. shes got some WAMP forehead... EUERGHHH

by houghy007 July 2, 2006

91πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


Something said when someone says or does something really stupid, tries to make a joke that is stupid as well, or just does something really gay or weird that can make everything really awkward.

Example 1:

person 1 "we are sitting in suite 16, hahaha sweet 16!!"

person 2 "wamp"

Example 2:

person 1 "I love the song never gonna give you up by rick astley!!!!"

person 2 "wamp"

by theewammpper May 28, 2009

28πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž