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Masturbatory, typically describes boring music, like 3 minute guitar solos. See also wankish.

"I can't listen to a lot of metal, it has too many wanky solos. I don't give a shit how many hours a day you practice."

by Danny Delinquent December 22, 2003

272๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž


means something useless, boring, stupid or pointless

this topic is so wanky

by lovechild56 April 7, 2010

189๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anything used to collect semen after masterbatory ejaculation. Such as towels, kleenex, old socks etc.

"I cleaned my room the other day, man there were a lot of Wankies under my bed."

by Christoper M Norton May 12, 2006

43๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Person Who Is Gay,Homosexual,
Also, Someone who is a master at Wanking

Look At this guy, he is Wanki

by holysmoke June 17, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


the proprietory brand of paper handerchiefs found under the bed of a wanker ready for any nocturnal emissions to avoid the need to zoffle. individually wrapped in packets of 3 (Weekend Wankies) 7 (Weekly Wankies) and 25 (Cant Get a Girlfriend Wankies). Wankies are normally bought by men with extremely well developed biceps, poor eyesight and an unhealthy interest in librarys. NB Please note the health warning on the Wankies packet emphasising the need to dispose of used Wankies before the splooge genetically mutates and engulfs an area the size of New Mexico

" I can't wait for the weekend, I've got my bongomags, a tub of vaseline and enough Wankies to clog up the Potomac River"

by Bobman UK October 26, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


kai has a wanky knee

kai has a wanky knee and iโ€™m gonna boot it โค๏ธ

by i love kai February 9, 2022


Using a Smartphone or Table to film or take pic's wile masturbating over porn on a Smartwatch.

Hi babe, be home to sex you soon. What... you dirty... ok i'll send you something soon, but 1st let me take a Wankie. #Wankie

by DJ Stu Jones November 9, 2014